
Oosunaarashi Kintarou

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هو ينفع تعيش في اوساكا ووقت البطولة تروح تكسب وترجع

انا الشهر اللى قعدته معاكو من كتر ما حسيت انى قاعد فى بيتنا ووسط اهلى مـ بقتش عاوز اروح
Liked by: moeabdol

انا اقصد الحفلة اللى عملتها السفارة اليابانية فى القاهرة

اديك قلتها ورديت على نفسك
اللى عملتها السفاره اليابانيه

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what is for it his was can when him who where this what the are do this us was our for far did do if can this is where for days but this is good , why ?

ايوه يعنى عايز فين

انت لية بتعتبر كابتن احمد خليفة صاحب الفضل عليك مع انك بدئت مع كابتن مصطفى السيد وكمان لية معزمتش الكابتن مصطفى السيد على حفلة السفارة اللى عملتها

أنا عمرى ما أنكرت فضل حد عليا .. دى حاجه
الحاجه التانيه .. انا لو فاضى انى اعمل حفلات واعزم حد كنت عملتها
شكرًا :)

is it was difficult for u to wear sumo wear, as its not acceptable in arab world ?

It's not difficult to wear but it's hard to carry the responsibility of what you wear .

Were you able to sleep well yesterday? Was the yesterday's dinner Matsusaka beef?

I didn't sleep well for 2 days .

How about the Japanese narrow train? Did you get on a train in Egypt? Good luck with the jungyou!

I love the Japanese train ..
In Egypt we don't have trains but we have toktoks :D

How is your Japanese coming along? How do you best study it?

I didn't study yet . It's all be practicing
I'm going to study in the university after couple of weeks

My daughter is not good at English. How did you study English?

Practicing is the best way to learn any language


Language: English