

Ask @Ohbollocks

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you think you've figured it out but you haven't haha and I don't have a boyfriend because I'm not gay but oh well . you just think you can walk all over people and you can speak to people like they are shit on the floor, and you can't, you're no better than anyone else babe

uses the anon tracer to make it more clear so dont try babe
Liked by: Brooklyn Imouto

tbh I used to like you but now you're just an attention seeking bully. I don't know what the fuck happened to you bit you used to be so nice and now you're horrible.

I dont need to attention seek i dont have daddy issues:/ i get enough attention. No; the reason you probably dont like me is because I've done something personal to you, and i think i know who it is now, so you can call anyone fat babes its a wonder you have a fit boyfriend
Liked by: Brooklyn Imouto

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