
Luhung Nalarwangi

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Gue ada di sekitar lu di dunia maya, tapi udah jauh skrg. Dulu mah kita satu sekolah.

Whooooo! Lo Anna kan?! Kalo ngga Tisa!!! Hahaha

Ayo pilih mana top!sehun atau top!kai kalo lu emang kaihun stan

Whaaaaa nanyanya lohhh -_- lo FF reader jg?

What's the longest you've waited in line and what were you waiting for?

I'm used waiting endlessly, so it is possible if I'm forget? Haha

What do you think about the expectation and whether there is in life is more meaningful than hope..?

Life without hopes is nothing, and hopes without action is nothing. if you know what i mean

less than one month of your birthday comes, is there any hope last year that have not reached.??

Why so many question abt ma birthday?Im touched hha.Um i dont have someone special in my birthday back years,so i wish i'd hha

'I wrote this for my prettiest friend Who while trying not to prove that I care Trying not to make all my moves in one motion and scare her away'- Did you know who sings this song? and whether you can continue the song excerpts above?

Jason Mraz - Prettiest friend. Ofc i can! 'She can't see she's making me crazy now
I don't believe she knows she's amazing how
She has me holding my breath
So I'd never guess that I'm a nonesuch unsuitable, suitor for her'

Is there someone who you hope will say happy birthday the first time for you on your birthday next month..?, who is he..? and how do you feel if someone you expect is not the first to say it?

How do you know my birthday is coming next month? Uh I'm don't really expect from someone special. I'm only hope my friends not forget bout my birthday haha. That's enough for me O:)

where you're going to fill this holiday ..? whether to stay home or go somewhere.?

Watching movie, chit chatting witf and having fun with friends

If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Newyork,Chicago, London, Paris, Seoul


Language: English