

Ask @MattyLovesNicki

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Do u ever miss your barb family? Like when ur at school, the mall , the beach , the theater ?

Yes. Sometimes I will out laughing in class because of what Livia tweets

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What tv shows are you in too

Family Guy, Cleveland Show, American Dad, Revolution, Idol, The Voice, Survivor, etc

What's the last movie you watched

Yesterday my dad made me watch the last air bender within and I missed he voice :/

What do your parents do for a living

My moms a respiratory therapist and my dad stocks shelves at a grocery store

Do you ever get scared there might be sharks when you're swimming at the ocean

All the fucking time!!

How do you decide what movie to watch?

I throw forks at my tv until it picks a movie I can watch.

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

The past and I'd meet Nic so we could be friends now ^_^

Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

Yes so I could be rich and not have to worry about actually working for a living.

Language: English