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Desc khairumi kasim yg comel lagi ayu kahkahkah xP

Rf1123dsj’s Profile Photoberق
Khairumi. Pahal kau lama tak on dowh? Cuti hebat sangat ke sampai lupa aku? Hahaha. Khairumi anak Encik Kasim. Pahal comel dowh muka macam Barbie (yela kot) hahaha cantik. Tinggi. Kurus, bukan kurus yang biasa. Haha. Putih. Malu-malu kucing selalu. Eleh poyo je tu. Tulisan kalau malas peh besar gedabak. Pandai gila struggle je aku tengok. Geng lepak musolla untuk belajar sebab nak cari ketenangan. Kengkadang langgar peraturan sekolah (ye itu normal) Ramai minat tapi kau tak pernah layan. Bagusnya kau eiiii active in sports tapi tak sado pun tapi hati yang sado, kental. LOL Teman luah perasaan dengan aku. Kita baru rapat tahun ni tapi aku rasa macam eiii aku macam dah kenal kau lama. Manja. Mak dia selalu visit dia time free. Huuu untunglah. Paling penting, kau pelat semua. Haha that's what makes you unique in your own way. Stay Sado okay.

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Liked by: berق gha

Desc aku :D muahahaha

niAunilaa’s Profile Photoنجاح
sorry because it took a long time to reply this. Auni Najah. dia baik but dulu time tadika mesti ada je perbalahan haha dengan Afiqah Wazir kan. rindunyaaaa. berilmu. berilmu bukan cuma dunia, also agama. aku harap aku boleh jadi macam kau sebab aku ni lack of islam's knowledge. tinggi lebih kurang aku je yelah kita kan sehati sejiwa haha comel orangnya. pakai spect nak cakap nerd macam tak jugaklah. pandai. cool je selalu. peramah, tapi aku je yang tak kot sebab lama tak jumpa haha merupakan adik dan kakak yang baik dalam keluarnganya wuwuwuw aktif. akhir kata, good luck untuk masa depan kau. aku doakan yang terbaik untuk kau. InsyaAllah. ingat aku selalu. walaupun jauh di mata, jangan risau, kau dekat sangat kat hati. hehehe
Liked by: gha نجاح

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what do you think about kpop?

erm I was a strong hater back then when I was in primary. I couldn't differentiate their faces. I didn't find their songs interesting because I couldn't understand the lyrics. and then, when I stepped into a new world, secondary school, there are so many kpoppers and I ended up being one of korean drama lovers. and now I'm addicted to dramas I just can't help myself. my friends couldn't expect I would be one of them but haha they should know people change hehe so yeah but so far I think I can't go that too far; being a kpopper. not because I hate, but I'm worried if I'm too engrossed with the world. hehe
Liked by: gha


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