

Ask @Lollyxo69

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Have you ever made your boyfriend cum with just your feet ?

Well my feet don't separate for my body soooooo....

If we were dating & I asked you to jack me off & you were to tired to use your hands what would you use ?

Well I have a bf soooooooo lol

If I was laying in bed with you & your foot touched my dick would u move it or leave your foot there

I would move it lol

What are some things you like about your bf?

He likes me for me, I can play around with him & won't get mad, has a big sense of humor, he respects and understands me, he helps me achieve things I never thought I could, he's gorgeous, not only is he an amazing bf but he's also an amazing friend :) there's lots more but I don't like writing a lot to a question lol


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