
Lauren Boag

Ask @Lauren890

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how many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had in your lifetime?

The ones that actually count or at least I count..2 and I'm not a lesbo soo

Nick gainous?

We both went on the savannah trip and he is funny and pretty cool! And he knows stuff...lol

list of things that annoy you

Stepping on wet stuff with socks on
Fly hairs
Marks on a whiteboard
Over confident and cocky people
People who can't stop talking
When I don't get best times and my meet
People who think they r better than others
Ratchet off brand remakes of original brand products
You jkkkkk
Pool guards
Spider webs and dust

Nicholas Handley ;)

Pretty cute :P nice built body but we hardly know each other.its not the same nick I was talking about

Wait I'm confused I though you were dating that Nick guy?

We went on 1 date but that was it we are not together


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