

Ask @KYS911

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Have u met someone bhal muwa9afat ?o wain ?

actually not exactly :) why u are keep asking these questions ? how do u look ?

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shino muwa9afat your dream girl? long/short hair? black/brown/blonde hair? tall/short? white/brown skin?

tkon mu7tarama o0 thgela o0 eslobha 7elow o0 wefeya.... long hair, brown or black hair, short, brown o0 white its ok for me :)

Would you rather be a character in "The Hangover" or "The Holiday"?

I Would rather be in the role of graham (Jude Law) ;p !

My age ? or how do i fall asleep ? :p 1: If this is UR pic. U LOOK 20-24 , about me I'm 15 2: when someone hugs me i fall asleep ;D

i didnt understand my age ? what do u mean ? .... actually I'm 20 , emmm nice, girly thing huh :)
Liked by: 9eta.S Al-s


Language: English