

Ask @kkarahuang

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appearance turn ons for guys

arms omg, really nice (not too buff) arms. and hands. hands are like a weird fetish of mine
Liked by: sammie

what do u think of luce

i think shes really cool (fashion, music, personality). i hear people say shes emotionless, but i think shes probably either bored or tired give the girl a breakk. shes has a dry sense of humor, which i like

i thought you started dating joel during homecoming last year

hahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahahhahahah #julie

If you were reincarnated into - a human again! , what race/ethnicity would you like to be ?

either black/asian, white/asian, or FRENCH

what do you think of jayne (don't just say she's a dumb blonde - I already know that's a given)

i think shes the sassmaster and shes one of the best people you could ever meet, such a sweetheart. and the master of puns

what do you think of annie

shes really cool and we had ss together last year and shes quite the pretty gurl. uh DIDNEY WORLLL

I feel like you are so confident and cool (but not in like the "oh you're so cool dude" way but like the you're actually a really "cool person" way) and I know we don't know each other that well but you honestly seem like one of the most self assured people I have ever met and I really look up to yo

aww really? im actually really not that confident at all (its my weakest point). you sound really sweet. talk to me at school!

what do you think of utana

shes a badass biatch with great style and a pretty bamf personality ((i love that girl))
Liked by: utana


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