
John L. Ocasio

Ask @jlog3000

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If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

It would be "Bust me open!" lol

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

When someone who I truly trusted and supported had turned her back on me. =(

Have you seen anything weird lately?

People leaving their kids inside their cars, "suffocating" to death. Looks weird, but ends very sad and disheartening in the process. Them irresponsible parents. No respect.

What is the last thing you picked up off the ground?

Some burning piece of metal. It sucked as hell, literally. lol

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

Don't know, to be quite honest.

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

If she's beautiful, I would take her with me to give a tour, like a normal date.

How would you describe your perfect sandwich?

Grilled cheese with either a beef pattie or a chicken pattie, filled with some BBQ sauce on the bread buns and french fry potato stick pieces.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you do with it?

Either make a pair of resumes or go do a daily workout routine.

Why do people kill each other?

For no reason at all, unless they come up with the excuse of a saying "Because I can!". Ugh!

Who will be the next person you will kiss?

A hot female model who's willing to pose at least implied nude (in an artistic and classy way).

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

A job, some money to economize, and a female who's pretty amazing on the outside and on the inside that understands me and share the same interests as I do

What do you do to let others know you love them?

Either make fan signs or give shoutouts to those who I support.


Language: English