
Jenna Carolynn

Ask @JennaCarolynn

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WE ARE TWINNING ALL DA WAY. Wht would be really creepy is if we lived on the same like address like I mean house number thing. If we liked the same person! Then things would get akwo lol


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Of course I will go with my friends! I'm not forever alone WHAT nooooo! Lol jk. If any of my friends even want to go!

xD its ok Laura. You are my twin.

If you were going to do karaoke tonight, what song would you sing?

Poor Unfortunate Souls- Little Mermaid (Broadway versionnnn)

TAKE ME WITH YOU TO TIM'S! Please take me with you

Haha we already went... We played piccholo, alto flute, flute, slide trumpet, and french horn!

What is the most important thing that you should do today?

Play alot of instruments in Tim's music with Squid and Carlyyy

I agree breakfast isn't my thing either. I eat like a fruit leather and I'm done :|

Yea I'm just never hungry in the morning...


Language: English