

Ask @ItsDollop

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Where were you on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after school?

With Joe, Joe, joe, Joe And Er.........Joe.

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why cant you guys just leave dolapo alone none asked you to get involved in what happened or her relationship and cussing isn't necessary as it is her life and if you respect her leave her relationship i swear its only supposed to be between two people not her Ask.Fm wall , and sapna is not an slut

Thank You Whoever You Are!

I wish I was your friend.. but i'll wait until year 9. Until then, don't stop being who you are. Because I think you're awesome.

Awww Thanks! Pop Up Please <3

the 1 about joe n da tolite is from EDWARD BONSAL bait.

Yeahh But I Dont Really Care Doee....Do I?

Your relationship with joe has nothing to do with other people. So why the fuck are they butthurt? #Fuckhaters

Ikr! Eyoo God Bless You Yeahh!


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