
landona montana

Ask @hikikosora

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What is your biggest addiction?

this one picture of hansol when he was a baby in a stroller surrounded by this giant yellow jacket

You game? I've never seen you talk about it

i like gaming but i just don't game game??? like i'm not some hardcore could tell you everything wrong with the lastest COD or give a full scale review on assassin's creed gamer, mostly bc i can't afford shit like that,,,but i do keep up with related news

why dont you own any tennis balls what do you HATE tennis players? broe,

Woah now i don't discriminate within sports (and if anything its those damn tobogganers we need to stay weary of)

did u know that you are one of the cutest people ever?

i was going to say YOU were in fact one of the cutest people ever, if not the cutest, but you are OUT OF THIS WORLD cute #wow

wow Tim you live on the edge. But yeah I was an assistant director for a play and my job was to throw tennis balls at people when they wouldn't shut up they come in handy

forget tennis balls. u wanna establish dominance and get them to be quiet? pregnant spiders

fav seventeen stans? (one per member would be helpful^^)

i don't want to do 1 per member considering i do have a lot of fave 17 stans that i dont know the biases of so here: katie, bama, angel, cat, reena, vivian (hansol drag squad, of course), @hentaihoseok @princewooji @dinochans ,,,, this isnt an exhaustive list so i'll just say i love pretty much ALL 17 stans

but Tim isnt it the law to have tennis balls at all times? Idk man, I like to throw them at people myself

if thats a law then i would've been in jail YEARS ago i've never owned a tennis ball


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