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In episode 10 of the internet show, more specifically in the bloopers part, Joe is revealing drawings on a large white pad. The song in the background sounds like an early version of Variations on a Cloud. Could you give us more info about that?

The moment in question occurs at 8:29 during: http://vimeo.com/59630181.
So, yes, this sounds like something which ended up on Hawaii: Part II, which is pretty cool. But then again, most of the stuff Joe's been working on that didn't end up on MMMM or G&E ended up on Hawaii: Part II. At the time of writing such material, there was no telling it would end up on a non-Tally Hall album. Joe's had tons of melodies in his head for years that didn't quite fit into the TH albums which made it on H:2; some of which came to him even before Tally Hall existed.

What is your interpretation of Hawaii: Part ii's album art?

I've purposely not tried to analyze it too much. I am seeing lots of references to the songs within, but I'm not seeing yet if there's any particular story that it all cohesively might be saying.

If they made a Tally Hall biopic right now, who would you cast as each member? I'm thinking Andrew Garfield for Joe Hawley, but that's all I've got so far.

I believe this has been asked before. I am not sure I could answer it well... I am not hip to a lot of the younger actors out there these days. Maybe I'll get back to this one later.

Do you think you could repost all the old formspring questions up on here? It would definitely fill in a lot of answers and make this page look whole.

Ummmmmm, no. Do you have any idea how long that would take?! Months. I'd bet at least 2 months of working full 8 hours days. And I don't have 8 hour days, so it would take a year.

What's the first question you would like to answer?

I was really hoping for "how many gargoyles is enough gargoyles" and I got it. So, I can die now.

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