

Ask @Hemalily

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Haha, You should totally do that c: My friends will be like "What is that?" And I will be like "My Precioussss"

pangaea and roomie
Yeah, just one more thing that I must treasure and lick and make art of and celebrate. xD

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*stares* "I am not a baby, I am a teen..." *Grumbles quietly* I know me too c: I just want to make this canvas full of them, but that would take too long c:

pangaea and roomie
>^_^< Hehehe, silly little bubble <3
I'll be at school drawing loads of little bubbles and I'll scare all my friends away. And now I want to buy the capsules in real life and paint them like bubkias...

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

Hallon; Groundhog Day, it'd be epic!
Gyll; Umm, let me get back to you...
Aru; The Artist? It'd be very interesting

Thank you! c: *Shakes violently* silently whispers "Help! Get me Out of Here!"

pangaea and roomie
*pets* soon, soon little baby, you will be free to show your awesomeness to the world.
I'm so excited to see them all <3

Are you addicted to shopping?

Hallon; I like it from time to time but no
Gyll; Totes yes! I wealy like it :3
Aru; No. Definitely not.

What things do you love?

Hallon; Snow, adventures and vacations. Family is right behind.
Gyll; Friends, blankets and happiness! <3
Aru; Being alone?

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

Hallon; It snowed! We can go adventuring!
Gyll; Well, I met this guy...
Aru; Nothing really. Just living...

How to make a woman happy?

Hallon; Agree with her and give her what she wants! Duh!
Gyll; Treat her like a queen and she'll be yours forever.
Aru; Make her laugh and be strong? I'm not good with women...

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Hallon; To run superfast! You could get anywhere, anytime. *grins*
Gyll; I'm perfectly happy the way I am, but if I had too, I'd like to manipulate people's emotions. Then I could make people happy <3
Aru; To fly? It'd be pretty cool. Becoming invisible would be nice too.

How fast do you fall in love?

Hallon; Not very fast, I got more important things to do.
Gyll; I fall in love with everybody! Jk, if it's the right guy, then pretty fast.
Aru; Well, I guess I get crushes very easily *blushes*

Do you like dogs?

Hallon; Only if they're willing to work
Gyll; Yes! Especially fluffy ones <3
Aru; Not particularly

(My deerssert is Hina) Hallon: "Hello there, I'm Hina! Nice to meet you!"

Hallon: Hey Hina! Its great to meet you too. You live in Paris, don't you?

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

Hallon; Sir Edmund Hillary. He climbed Mt. Everest, so he's cool.
Gyll; The guy who invited ice cream. Whoever he is, he's a magician.
Aru; Walt Disney. He was an interesting man behind one of the biggest entertainment companies of all time. I'd like to have known him personally.

What is your usual breakfast?

Hallon; I like granola bars for breakfast, lots of different flavors.
Gyll; Eggs, Bacon, Hash-browns and Hot Chocolate.
Aru; Rolls with butter, a bit bland, but I don't really care. :(

What's your hobbies? <:

Hallon; Planning huge trips, talking, and running :)
Gyll; I like watching movies, hanging out with friends, cooking, and drawing <3
Aru; I like to read, I guess. And watch others. But not in a weird way.... :/

What is the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite sex?

Hallon; Their sense of adventure
Gyll; Their smile
Aru; How they act

Language: English