

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Holy hell, that last face tho... https://youtu.be/jwrFDQl4ArQ

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
1-What the fuck? She looked pretty before.
2-She looks like a burn victim. I almost feel bad.
3-What the fuck part two?
4-She looks like she came straight out of a cartoon.
5-What the fuck part three? And again, pretty before.
6-Jesus Chrimeny. So let me get this straight, your dirtbag husband cheated on you, so you decide to do this? The fuck? Beauty enhancement? Shit that turned against her.
7-What the actual fuck? She looks like a Hiroshima victim. Fucking hell, again, pretty before! Please, someone tell these people before they do this that they're already pretty. Holy shit. Is it that hard to pay someone a compliment?
8-What the fuck part four? You trying out for the second Evil Dead remake?
9-Ok. She's the most tame looking. I say that now. It's probably going to look worse in a minute. And, for like the fourth time, pretty before. The fuck is wrong with these people? Ok, someone stop this woman. Save her daughters. Please.
10-Jesus. The fuck? Holy hell is right on this one Quaker.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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Was your English teacher from Ireland or Scotland? Because I'm really interested in getting me writing to improve.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
My paternal-grandmother's family is from Ireland, my paternal-grandfather's family is from Scotland.
I'd love to say that I lapsed into an accent, as I'm known to accidentally do, but no. That was straight up a typo.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What annoys you the most about a close friend?

She refuses to get or accept help of any kind. She would rather suffer, suffer alone, and lie about how she's really doing even though she needs help and admits she does. But she turns it down, refuses, and fights like a five-year old child about it. I love the woman to death, but Jesus-Holy-Freaking-God is that annoying.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Know that what you are saying right now is giving into u. Granted, I'm not expecting you to fully understand i, especially with what you've been through. But staying within u hurts. In more ways than one. I'll just say this. Think about the positives in your life. Maybe not family. But Nikola. Me.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
You. Nikola. My grandparents. My parents. My brothers. Mal. Brandi. Leeza. Bobbie. I wouldn't have anything without all of you. I thank God for all of you. And of course, one thing to look forward to in the next life, my little girl. I trust that my grandfather, her grandfather, my Lord, and my God are all taking good care of her.
Just until daddy is ready to join her.
[Though the Heaven's will tremble if we find out she lied. If his ex lied about the miscarriage, he will tear through God's Kingdom to drag her soul to everlasting damnation.-S]
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What's the most difficult choice one has to make?

There is no straight answer to that question. It varies from person to person depending on their lives and circumstances.
So far, in my 22 years of life, my hardest choice, not necessarily in the decision, but the execution of, was choosing between my father and the woman I loved. They had fallen out of each other's favor, and she insisted that he never be a part of our life. Then eventually she relented and said he could be a part of mine. But if we had children, he would never see them. "How could he love them if he doesn't know them?" she asked. At which point I almost brought up our miscarried daughter. By her logic, how do we know we'd have loved her? At that moment, I knew we were finished. But damn did it hurt.
My father and I have had our problems. But I cannot hurt someone like that. I may be an absolute psychopath, I'll tie someone to a wooden pole, cover their feet in gas, and then light it (assuming they deserve it, you know, child molesters, rapists, that sort of people) but I do not mess with someone's family.
And I'm certain many more hard decisions are awaiting me. But so far, that was the worst.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What's the funniest auto-correct mistake you made?

The sad part about the story I'm about to tell is that I don't have autocorrect on my phone, so it's literally just me being stupid.
A friend and I were discussing dogs and their behavior. And I was talking about a time my dog used the bathroom in the house, and I said something along the lines about him being a bad dog, but instead of dog I typed god. And it was a full minute after I sent it that I realized my mistake. I was made the butt of a Facebook joke after that.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Seriously, that GIF has to be the most adorable LiS-releated thing I've ever seen. Here are some more GIFs OP has made https://www.reddit.com/user/youngechosugar/submitted/

Rewatched the first one you sent me, that looks weirdly like the neighborhood my dad moved into. I mean, chances there I could find a similar looking neighborhood in about every state. But still weird.
Ok, I am having trouble figuring out if the "Sunday Morning" one is animated or not. If it is, holy hell does that person have talent.
All pretty cool. But nothing beats the first one you sent.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

The power of i is a form of self-loving. It represents acceptance. and knowing who you are, even with flaws. It's not easy to find i at first, but it will help you become a better person. Kendrick Lamar more or less is the one who came up with this. Take a look: https://youtu.be/donS3zZZTu8

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That's part of my problem though, Quaker. I see nothing but the flaws.
"You're a good person."-That's debatable.
"You're great."-I wouldn't go that far.
"There's someone who will see and appreciate you."-And she's better off without me.
"You deserve happiness."-I deserve something but I'm not sure that's it.
That's just a small handful of the dozens, if not hundreds of similar conversations I've had with people I know. My step-father thinks the world of me. More so than his own son. Granted, I'll give him the bit about his kid. J has some issues. But we blame his mom. He thinks the world of me and sees this awesome person, but I had to tell him that I don't. I don't see that person.
I'm a liar. I'm a thief. I'm a cheater (both in minor areas and on my girlfriend [They were all but broke up at the time.-S]). I'm insane. I'm broken. I'm cold. I don't trust people. I have an asshole living inside my head, and worse he's basically me. I've hurt people. I'm ruthless. I'm spiteful. I'm borderline evil. I'm just covering my hand in hot sauce because I ran out of popcorn chicken like two minutes ago, hold on.
I'm no saint. I can't let go of my internal hurts. I'm a coward. I don't stand up for myself. I give too much of myself away to others [Hence the need for my existence.-S]. The fact people accept me or talk to me at all is a bona-fide Jesus miracle. That or you all are just as crazy as me [Well, a couple of them are. Seriously, we know a girl who is just like us minus, well, referring to herself as "us".-S].
So, you see why I have issues with my confidence? [Ok, let me stop this crazy train, there is more than just his problems. His family is borderline toxic. They do not help the problem any. The only one who is even trying is his grandmother, and the bastards have the nerve to blame her for the way he is. Which only makes it worse on him. The man has a heart of gold, and they repeatedly stomp on it. I'd love to take shots at all of them, but he won't take the cuffs off. For good reason. But still.-S]

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When I see the LiS "digital series" mentioned somewhere, I can't help, but think of this. I really, really hope these series are a continuation of what happened after Arcadia Bay (that is, if the series are going with the bae>bay plot). https://gfycat.com/SparseEquatorialHare

That is beyond adorable, I'm ignoring that three lettered, two voweled, word. But that looks adorable.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I would suggest that for self-confidence, you guys utilize the power of i. Many others use too much of u instead. But I've learned that i is much more powerful.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I must ask you what this seemingly mythical/mystical power is, Master Quaker.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

How to raise your self-confidence?

I the distinct feeling I'm about to see a trio of similar, if not identical, answers.
I have very little self-confidence. At best, it's like that one super power you see in anime that I can only summon when needed and at no other time. Like, shit is desperate and I absolutely need it. Like when Goku first became Super Saiyan. You know, before every character and their mother could do that.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What are the most important advantages of Internet?

Global communication. Able to find and share new ideas and experiences. Discover new interests. Share your own interests. Knowledge on anything at the tips of your fingers. Entertainment.
I personally enjoy having all the knowledge I could want, able to share my ideas, hear other people's ideas and stories, of course there is a ton of entertainment (and not all adult themed), but most of all, all the friends I've made and what we've shared together.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Knowing you as a fan of country music, are you familiar with the name Charley Patton? He's known as the "Founder of the Delta Blues" and his sing High Water Everywhere is one of the three radio songs you can hear in Slender: The Arrival.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Have not heard of him. What years was he active?

[He's long winded on this one, Quaker-S]

gabrielsyler33’s Profile PhotoWolf
violence of any kind.
Bottom line, YouTube needs to clarify what they mean. There needs to be open communication between the content creators who made this service what it is and the people who run the service. Otherwise shit is going to fall and fall hard.
End long winded rant.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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