

Ask @ElatedFangirl

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Tell something funny from your school life!

Actually, school life is quite boring for me but I'm blessed to have met good people. Nothing that funny really :/ (I'm a boring person ewww)

Would you say your parents are overprotective?

They are a bit in the middle. They could be very lenient but strict as well. They let me explore but they make sure I don't go overboard. Up to date, they never allowed me to go and sleep overnight in my friends' houses lol but they allow me to go home late :)

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@eringilfoy asks, "What are some of your guilty pleasures?"

Guilty pleasures... ahh that would be food, internet, gadgets, albums(of groups I like), clothes and whatnots that make me look presentable

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

So far, being able to answer a professor's question but of course I stuttered ><

Express your love to Lee Junho and Jang Wooyoung in 10 words hehehehe

I love Jang Wooyoung and Lee Junho like my life 😆😆😆😳😳😳

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Shower. I'm never at ease when I'm dirty :/

what's pollution ?

"thesubstance, action or process of making land,water, air, etc.,dirtyand notsafeorsuitableto use"
-Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

Yes. For one I'm openly and constantly cussing this year and also, I became much of an overthinker which is not healthy often times. I became 5 times a pessimist than I was before and I mostly drag myself down. No, I'm not mentally healthy at all. :/


Language: English