

Ask @djeniryuu

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may I ask about what ethnicity you are?

that is something i want to keep as a secret (not that i'm ashamed of my ethnicity). idk why but i just feel like staying totally anonymous since people can be totally biased at times. they judge your ethnicity, your country and everything that connects. one thing for sure, i'm Asian. (you didn't expect to get such a long answer, do you? XD)

Wait, why do you need a co-author for the scenario shop? Don't you already have one?

i just hired one but i'm going to hire 2 more i think. i want the updates to be really frequent.

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What do you consider for a co-author?

someone who can update at least once or twice a week with around 1500 words per update and it would be preferable if her way of writing and grammar are at least on the average level.

did you find a co-author yet?

nope :( most of em are interested in my scenario shop and i already have enough applicants for it. i need applicants for amethyst lol.

So do you just tell the the idea and how things would go?

yup but she can help me with ideas too. i'm not really strict with co-authors. i just need someone to help me since i'm insanely busy this year...

To be the co-author, do you have to write or just beta-ing

the co-author i need is someone who can help me write updates.

are you going to update Amethyst? ^^

i'm planning to but right now i'm finding for a co-author for Amethyst ><

Hello author-nim^^ I'm the reader of your beautiful stories. Update for last kiss soon! Curiosities will never let me go :(

thank you for reading! last kiss has just been updated ♡

How long does each CDs last in the EXO First box?

1st cd - 57 mins, 2nd cd - 53 mins, 3rd cd - 20 mins, 4th cd - 16 mins

Whats your scariest dream ever?

can't remember but there's this one recently where a large worm was crawling on my shoulder. i woke up with my heart beating really fast and checked my bed if there was any worm (bec i couldn't distinguish dream from reality since i was still half asleep). i have a huge fear of worms, like seriously.

If your friend was change, what will you do?

people do change. if she changes for the bad, i should let her be. it's her life but i'll just give her a few advice.
Liked by: nurin

You found a person. Let think that person was your close friend. She/He just ran away from home cause her/his parents were fighting. Now she/he didnt know where to go. What will you do?

i did that quite a few times before due to family problems. if you can let her stay in your house, then ask her but be prepared, her parents might blow off at you if they find out. if the he/she wants to be alone, let her be. she just prolly want to take a break from everything. if she needs somewhere to go, she can ask her friends and one of them should be able to take her in, right? if none of them can, she should be responsible for it because once you run away, you should know that your friends might not be able to take you in. just be there for her when she needs her and don't ever pressure her because that would just make her feel worse than she already is. she would realise soon that running away from home is not the best idea.

Where do you love and who is you bias in EXO

i suppose you wanted to ask where i love. if so, i live in australia. Lay and Luhan are my ultimate bias.

Do you support MyungXing? Read this! http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/764088

bless you for leading me to that post. i totally agree with all of what she said. honestly, i've never heard of myungxing ship before. myung used to be my ultimate bias but then exo came and yixing ruined it all but i still love myung. i don't really ship two people for each other but i 'ship' them when i both like them. get what i mean? for example, my two bias yixing and luhan, i ship layhan because i like the both of them. same goes to myungxing.

I love your stories so badly!!!!!! Author pls dont make the sequel with sad ending:( huhuhu they look so cute together\m/ fighting!! I'll be wait for the next chapter -from new reader ^^//

thank you! i'm glad you like them XD hehe i'll see about that :)
Liked by: Hayatul Irdina

Hey!! I came here to tell you that... I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIESSS!!! Theyre so cool and give me the feels omfg. Im telling it here cause.. Well.. Im kinda afraid of u hehehe

thank you!! please don't be afraid of me. you've got nothing to be afraid of ^^

BE THE GOOD GIRL YOU ALWAYS HAD TO BE. krisus. what happened to you.

i didn't have to be a good girl. i have to live a life the way i want it to be as long as i'm not hurting anyone. what happened to me? i grew up, faced different shits, met different types of people and i'm learning how to be independent. how about you, what happened to you? why are you hiding behind the screen and why don't you get some courage to talk to me in AFF?

Hye.. I know this is not a question.. but I REALLY LOVE YOUR STORIES. X3 X3 Im telling you here.. cause... you know... *akward feeling* ^^

thank you! don't be afraid to tell me in aff :)


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