
Daryl Aiden Yow

Ask @darylaidenyow

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i recently heard about you and i think you're so cute and talented daryl! can't believe i've been missing out all these while!!!

Thank you!!

Are you the top or bottom?

Which do you think I look? Face definitely bottom la, so fucking fair and girly.......

toilet cubicle or the standing thing where boys can see each other? (:


yay you finally have an ask.fm. i can ask you questions now anonymously (no courage boy here)

This ask.fm is actually created for me to answer to the people who have been Facebook Messaging me regarding the recording equipments that I use/programs that I record with. Turns out...nobody cares about that stuff now that they can be anonymous lol

my boyfriend and i are having sex very regularly and i'm scared of aids. should i still do it?

Protection, protection!!

Were you sad when your insta got hacked? You seem ok surprisingly

It went like, "Oh my God, why is my account closed?" to "Ok, chill out and call Ding Xuan" to "Hahahaha gone then gone la never mind"

what's your ideal lover like?

I like vulnerable people, someone I can devote my time and attention to. Someone I can "sayang" hehe

What is your ideal type of girl?

Never really thought about it before haha. But um, a girl with nice legs, legs, legs, legs.

Language: English