
Crystal S

Ask @crystalavigne

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Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

"Anything you do from the soulful self will help lighten the burdens of the world. Anything. You have no idea what the smallest word, the tiniest generosity can cause to be set in motion. Be outrageous in forgiving. Be dramatic in reconciling. Mistakes? Back up and make them as right as you can, then move on. Be off the charts in kindness. In whatever you are called to, strive to be devoted to it in all aspects large and small. Fall short? Try again. Mastery is made in increments, not in leaps. Be brave, be fierce, be visionary. Mend the parts of the world that are within your reach. To strive to live this way is the most dramatic gift you can ever give to the world." - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

Definitely. The golden rule is, whatever you're told, you don't pass it on. Stay out of business that isn't yours.

If you could control nature, which element would you choose? Why?

Water. So I can make it rain whenever I want to. Like Storm........

What would you most like to do if money were no object?

Travel the world and help all homeless animals.

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

Pretty true. See no evil...

Name three things you think shouldn't exist in the world.

1. Sluts/man-whores
2. Animal abusers
3. Terrorism

What if we jump and accidentally fall out of the earth, as earth is always spinning? - WisdomSlap

Then we'll hopefully land in outer space and live with the aliens forever.

What's the coolest thing about your city?

Best airport, low crime rate, zero natural disasters, one of the best airlines (with the exception of slutty and ugly cabin crew), food heaven, many high-standard tourist attractions.
Oh that's more than one cool thing. Sorry couldn't help it.

What hobby do you wish you could pick up?

Ukulele, piano, guitar... Anything music-related, really.

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

Low crime rate, no natural disasters... Now ask me about what I hate!


Language: English