
Cianni Fox

Ask @CianniRoux

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If you were married and they cheated on you, how would you feel?

I've had this feeling - and I literally thought it was going to be the end of me, but ya gotta stand up and move on. He/she/they don't deserve you anyways.

is chivalry dead?

No, I feel like everyone says it is but I think that people, girls in particular, just have this dead set imagination of how a guy should be, and let's admit that it's always way too much. Just fucking appreciate your man.

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What freaks you out?

Bugs. One of my teammates got bit by a spider and I touched it and it was rock solid - is that normal?

realistically speaking, how many stranger's penises do you think you could fit in your mouth at once?

Probably one, I have a really small mouth you guys


Language: English