
Deon Heng

Ask @brickandlaces

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Damn Tan sia! Food wise alot! and my Lieutenant is a Angmohnese.... hot stuff baby.

Eh send me a photo of yourself on WA!!! Hahahaha. WHOA I WANNA SEE

would you date a guy who was deemed a player before but has shown a completely different side to you?

I would be reaaaally cautious but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot if I feel something for him

You didn't answer my question :( I'm really interested in extraterrestrial life. Mars, perhaps?

You suck Joey Ong Chong Wei (did I get it right?)!!!! Hahahaha what a liar

Whats ur height?

I'd like to believe that it's 166cm but everyone keeps telling me it's impossible I guess ...167ish??

RandomQ: When was the last time you stepped on a bug? what bug was it and how would you describe the feeling? lol

I think it was about a year ago? Idk what bug it is it's just dark brown, has a really hard shell and makes an annoying sound whenever it hits against the wall! SICK. I WASHED MY FOOT LIKE 6X LOL

you didnt answer my question thoughhh. so would you date with someone who has the same height as you? or almost the same height haha you didnt say yes or no

Preferably not but if I really like him then I guess it's a different story. But a definite NO if he is shorter than me lolllll

Ohhhhhhh look what I stumbled upon. What planet are you from?

Wassup Joongz. Kiss me kkk-kk-kiss me

would you date a person who has the same height as yourself?

Mmmm I'm rather particular about height ...I think it makes me feel more secure?? Like I'll feel that he'll be able to 'protect' me better hahahahaha

Do you have any preference in dating a particular race? Chinese, malay or indian.

Chinese or angmoh ....or angmohnese

Do you know how pretty you are?

No I'm honestly not but thank you dear you just made my day :)


Language: English