
Ashraff Nazrin

Ask @AshraffNazrin

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someone mentioned it . but when i asked him he refuse to tell me . saying i'm too young and stuff .

Then, enjoy your young age. When you get older you ask him again. Tadaaa! :D No. Just kidding. For me, if it's really important then you must find out. If not, let it be. Think about it, do you know that Umar al khatab is a romantic person actually. I mean, some things, like sirah Rasulullah is more important but yet we know only 0.1% of his background. And then we claim we love him. So let the unimportant things fly away from your mind. Don't mind it. Yes we must seeking the knowledge. We all have the curiosity but we also have priority. Can you relate it?

kalaulah its really naruto's character , i won't ask .

Ouh ouh ouh! Maybe Digimon! No I really don't know. I'm sorry. Where do you find it?

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salam. ada orang cakap kalau kita pernah mimpi someone tue, maybe dia bukan jodoh kita. what do you think?

I think I don't want to sleep anymore. Saayyyy whaaatt? No it's not true. Basically if I get questions about true or not, I will answer it with this. What are the two things that Prophet saw has left for us to make sure we're in the right path? Simple! Quran and the sunnah. If you can't find the answer within this two sources, consult an ulama'. And now I'm being crazy. "How I'm gonna find a way to meet Ulama'?" Well hello, did you ever heard about books that written by ulama' or something. Yeah. It's in your hand know. Sorry for the "bebel"ing. Lol

cube ckp bhs melayu . tak faham .hihi

Aiman Azlan once said to improve your english you have to do this two things. Expose yourself and practice. And I'm forcing myself now well at least in this site to improve my english. But urmm, do you really meant it by saying you don't understand?

taktahulah takut or malu . bila dia call rasa macam something . takpernah rasa before this . argh pelik !

Well, in that case you're the problem. Nah! I'm kidding. Well you have to make sure because if you are scare, why are you scare? If you're shame? What are you shame of if there's something to do about something important am I right?

tak boleh sebab ada urusan kerja .

It is important for you to know the feeling you have is shame or scare. Mind to share it?

yg mantap akn slmt. tetapi org2 yg menyampaikan fahaman tersebut merupakan antara pemimpin islam terkemuka dalam kalangan masyarakat. malah dihormati,mempunyai ramai pengikut. amat sedih jika fahaman ini berterusan begitu sahaja bukan? saya hanya ingin kongsi rasa concerned saya terhadap agama. TQ

I assume you didn't get the message I put early. Dengan memantapkan akidah diri kita sendiri, kita dan kawan kita yang tak tahu apa apa pun akan selamat. But how? Oh snap! Knowledge is something we have to share to each other. If you don't, It's like a tree without fruits. Such a waste. In case you'll be thinking that "Tn guru is a well known person, and who is me to compare with him and nobody will listen to me and blablabla." If your friend doesn't believe you about the truth, well take him to the other well known person. Such as UAI or another well known ASWJ. :)

saya takut nak cakap dengan seorang lelaki ni . saya taktahu kenapa . bila dia call pun takut nak angkat . macam mana nak buat ye ?

Well, don't pickup. Tadaaa! :p

benar. kita sendiri perlu mantapkan akidah kita. namun, persoalan saya di sini ialah apabila seseorang itu memaparkan unsur2 wahabi (mengutuk imam syafie dsb), adakah wajar jika kita masih ikuti ceramah2 nya dsb?tidakkah setiap perkataannya bahaya lebih2 lagi kepada yang kurang ilmu (macam saya)? TQ

Daaaannn sebab itu lah saya cakap mantapkan akidah kita supaya kita boleh guna pakai konsep yang Imam Hasan Al banna bawa pula. "kita bersepakat pada hal yg kita setujui, kita memaafkan pada hal yg kita bselisih." In that case, kita boleh selamatkan diri kita kalau ajaran mereka tersimpang dari akidah sebenar dan boleh selamatkan kawan kita yang tak tahu apa apa langsung. :)

salam. saya tertarik dengan page UIB yang saudara sering kali juga share/baca post2 nya. saya dapati bahawa UIB mengatakan dr. MAZA dan nik aziz adalah pengikut wahabi. 1. Adakah saudara bersetuju dengan kenyataan UIB itu? 2. Bagaimana dengan pandangan anda terhadap dua pemimpin itu selepas itu?TQ

Wsalam. Tujuan saya share post tentang wahabi adalah untuk menambah ilmu tentang akidah lain yang salah. Bukan untuk mencari siapa wahabi. Kalau mengikut pendapat saya yang tak berapa pandai, lebih baik ambil jalan selamat. Cara untuk lawan akidah lain ni hanya dengan memantapkan akidah ASWJ kita sendiri. Sebab bila kita cakap seseorang tu wahabi, boleh jadi dia memang penegak sunnah nabi sebab dia tak suka akan bid'ah. Dan lazimnya pengikut wahabi tidak mengaku mereka wahabi. Sama macam cerita yg UIB cerita di wall saya tu. So, nak tak nak kita kene mahir akidah ASWJ untuk selamatkan org yg x tahu dan selamatkan diri kita. Pasal tn guru tu memang UIB pernah post tapi post tersebut juga diselitkan rasa hormat beliau pada tn guru sebab nak tegakkan islam di Malaysia. Wallahualam. Semoga bermanfaat.

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Ada ustazah cakap, bapak yang taksolat contohnya...takboleh jadi wali time kita nikah. kalau betul kisahnya ni. Sbg sorg anak perempuan, rasa kurang sebaiknya la nak tegur dia. Ada takcara lain?

Betul sebab fasiq tak boleh jadi wali. You mean cara nak tegur or cara lain nak nikah?

Macam mana nak bg semangat kat diri balik?

Take A4 paper. Make some flags. Write on it, "Go (your name)! You can do it!) and cheer for yourself. Kidding. Open your quran. (Luqman:17) Read it loud and clear until you jump overjoyed. :p
Liked by: Nurul Nadirah

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

From my point of view, every muslim teenagers especially boys should learn it to prevent this ideology.


Language: English