

Ask @artiMystic

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What song do you love to dance to?

I like dancing to all kinds of songs, but the song which i can really just dance is Greased Lightning

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Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?

when my school's choral speaking team won the state level. <3

What was your favorite toy as a child?

my red puppy soft toy which i had since i was born to this very day named "floppy"

What gift would you like to receive?

A letter to Hogwarts. I still have my fingers crossed #dontjudge

If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

My dad's car. Really that is all i want, but my mum says no. :'(

What should a real man be able to do?

he should be able to accept and help out in the feminine needs of women

What is it you most dislike?

people who complain about the most smallest and irrelevant things, especially when they are mosre privileged than others.


Language: English