
anizabella lesmana

Ask @anizabelle

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kak, what are 5 websites you like to visit the most that are as good as thoughtcatalog, brainpickings and ted?

try psychologytoday if you're interested in psychology or notetoself blog :)

mention 5 of your fav books :)

1. Eleanor & Park 2. Sputnik Sweetheart 3.Gone Girl 4. The monk who sold his Ferarri 5. Paulo Coelho's collections.

what was your first reaction when you watched john mayer's concert and saw him right in front of you?

I cried.

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Kapal api yang merah lebih enak daripada yang silver loh. Eh, udah lama yah nggak cek askfm nya? Hehehe... gpp deh.


kapan nih kak video cover-an yg barunya? request donk lagunya She & Him yg Blackhole :)

gatau kapan :( should've brought my guitar with me..

bell kalo cari buku terbitan luar yang asli (bukan terjemahan) biasa nya dimana ?

di aksara, kinokuniya atau times juga bisa..

Pulang pergi kak? Wah, kalo ada kuliah malam pas di UI gimana pulangnya kak?

alhamdulillah belom pernah ada kelas malem..

kak,sebutin judul-judul novel literature/analogi favorit kaka dong :o kalo novel b.ing juga boleh :3

i read a lot of books :)

kak minta rekomendasi film romance donk, tp selain the notebook sama Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind kak hehe :)

try the different kind of romance ; before sunrise! my fav ever.

Setelah lulus S1 rencananya mau kerja kantoran atau lanjut didunia entertain ?

hmmm sebagai sampingan sih boleh ajaa :)

waw kereen kaak!! :D klw misalnya s2 mau lanjut di aussie jd atau mau pengen kemana ni rencana ?

mau nya sih lanjut di luar negeri... tapi ga tau deh hehe


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