
Tamtomo Priyo Adi

Ask @adiadaadi

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have you even seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTLAx3VDX7g

Sampun kk. Soal The Force Awakens, saya paling demen nonton trailer reaction mashup-nya pas Han Solo sm Chewie masuk ke Millennium Falcon. Btw coba fokus ke ekspresinya Roderic Vonhögen (paling bawah, tengah), pastur dari Belanda yg juga super fan Star Wars. His expression is priceless, sampe masuk ke videonya google - year in search 2015. The Force Awakens is a phenomenon... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XULtYh0Iktsadiadaadi’s Video 134272332110 XULtYh0Iktsadiadaadi’s Video 134272332110 XULtYh0Ikts
Liked by: Delima Rahmawati

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Do you turn on music based on your mood, or turn on music to make your mood?

MasterDeka’s Profile PhotoDea Karina
I used to do the second idea. But, the mood all changed whenever the music is shuffled.
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