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I know that these stuff are private and just between us, but before it get late more than it is i just wanted to say sorry in public, i love u

:) okay mala da3i kilish 5alg allah ydron wla lah da3i 3la kil nqza u threw

I know i hurted u a lot, i sent lots of people to hurt u too, i'm so sorry. Please don't be mad if i told u who am i. Zainab u've been such a lovely sister to me, but i just knew u did everything for a reason, once again i'm so sorry...wish u the best. <3 Sinserly;TheOneWhomUTriedToKeepSafeButLostU

Maly 5lg n'3zat, +shklch m'9y3a?

Lama tgoleen ashya2 t'97k w ana adgr fech tra its for a reason, cause adry hal joke mo min galbch u just fake it 3la shan m7d y7s fech!

Sorry bas that's not true -.-

Are you a better talker or listener?

I listen then 7alel in my brain then start talking so i dont be a boring person :p

Ur pm "Smile and let everybody know that today, you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday." Mwjah 7ag a7d law yes mno? W from where 5thaiteh?

Yes, cousin, from a song written by Drake

Laish ya '9alm? Laish ya 5ayen? Laish t'hjrny ktha m3a el ayam? Trmy 7nany! Tnsa klamii! Tnsa l8a2 el 7nen wgt el '9lam <3

Feyoum ra7 tndam inta 3la el hjraan <3 w tgol bas kfa mat7mlt ana el alaaam <3 aaaalllaaahhh!!! A7b that song ;* :D


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