

Ask @ToriEbanks

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Why do we say "bye bye" but not "hi hi"?

because if we said bye not hi why would you want to run up tp someone and say byeoo?

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Why do they call the clock where you punch your time card called a "time" clock? Aren't all clocks "time" clocks?

the answer to your question is lodged deep in my ass and im not willing to shove my hand up there to get it sorry..
Liked by: Kahjae Douglas

yash i do i knew it wud be told u that u wouldnt remember

well if you told me your name maybe i would know who you are :)

You like Courtney ? Cause someone wrote something and said Bombing Russia in the end ohhhhhhh

i like courtney as a friend. i just like asking him questions c:

Torikinss, hey guuurl, how you doinggg -joey way- [hoping you actually know what I mean by that]

heyyyy sav ;i actually dont know what you mean


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