
Martin Silver

Ask @The_Silver

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Who was the first streamer you ever watched?

I would say Robert "Bob" Pelloni, but it was just a looping gif, so the answer is actually MC Gamer. True, it was before he was an actual 'streamer', but he was streaming stuff, so I guess it counts.

Silver, If you were stranded on a desert island with nothing but a sandwich.... What kind of sandwich would it be ?

A basic one, with tomato, lettuce, and cheese. With the right bread, that stuff gets incredibly delicious.
Either that or a footlong Subway Melt (white bread, mild cheese, tomato, lettuce, cucumbers, red onion, green pepper). That should last me for at least the day.

GOOD MORNING! What's for breakfast?

Chocolate cereal. I try to hop between toast, toast with scrambled eggs, cereal, and lately waffles. Maybe I'll have some waffles tomorrow...

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I would love to do TMC in character with you (assuming I ever get invited :3) What would you say is your favorite NPC from TMC? (That's not Ezlo, Ezlo is just a silly hat :P)

IcyOshawottz’s Profile PhotoIcyOshawottz
This is a tough question, but after a lot of thinking I have to say the librarian receptionist. I love that she also does the Item Get pose, and is genuinely happy that I'm helping out.
Liked by: IcyOshawottz

Are you hupe for Zeldathon? Also, I'm upset you couldn't make it to the summer marathon, but I think this one will be MILES above that one :P

IcyOshawottz’s Profile PhotoIcyOshawottz
I'm always hyped for Zeldathon, it's one of the few things I really look forward to each 6 months.
If all goes well, I'll be at this winter's one, and I shall bring a bunch new things to the table (mainly hats and trivia). I also hope to get a Ghirahim costume so we can have that as a goal along with the usual Great Fairy.
Liked by: IcyOshawottz

How high would you rank TMC Vaati on a list of best/most interesting Zelda bosses? (I really like TMC, and I like hear how other people feel about the game :3)

As a major villain, Vaait ranks pretty high (mostly because many other villains are very bland (Onox, Veran) or don't appear much (Nightmare, Cole/Wario Train). The guy had some interesting motives to him (that sadly wasn't actually explored, sword fighting, I'm looking at you D=< ).
2 out of 3 battle phases were pretty cool.
What I don't like, however, is how Vaait was portrayed in Four Swords, where he was demoted into a singleminded generic villain.
But yeah, Vaati is definitely in the top 3 or so.
Liked by: IcyOshawottz

I see we share the same reason for liking Minish Cap. What was your favorite dungeon/boss/game feature (besides the Cane of Pacci :P)?

IcyOshawottz’s Profile PhotoIcyOshawottz
Favourite dungeon is Cave of Flames, and the boss Gleerok (insanely easy boss, but I really love his design). As for feature, I think I will have to go with the Roll Attack or the Remote Bombs. Good stuff.
Liked by: IcyOshawottz

Why do you like Minish Cap so much?

IcyOshawottz’s Profile PhotoIcyOshawottz
I have always been a big fan of the 2D Zelda games, probably because Link's Awakening DX was my first Zelda game (and it was easier to get the handheld games). It had a villain that looked really cool (but in retrospect was pretty stupid. Still looks cool though). But let's not forget the ever so glorious CANE OF PACCI *pchew*
I also like the graphics. And the Cloud Tops music. And recently all the lore behind it.
But not Ezlo. Ezlo is a silly hat.
Liked by: IcyOshawottz

Would you make out with a bear?

Who wouldn't want to make out with a beard? They are glorious and awesome and- wait, bear? Um, most likely not.
Liked by: Gearin

How hyped are you for zeldathon?

On a scale from 1-10? 7 to 8. There are a lot of thing that goes around before, during and after Zeldathon that I'm hyped for as well.

Did you buy a flight ticket for Zeldathon? I don't think I've seen you confirm that you're going. (You probably have though..)

Yep! I bought it around Halloween, so I'm all set to go ^^

If a magical being suddenly appeared and told you that, for your birthday, you could make one place in the universe explode, where would you choose?

If it was a really small explosion (think firecracker), I would use it to prank someone. If not, then I probably wouldn't use it. I don't like to destroy things D=

Is it your birthday today? Has it been a good one so far? Grattis! :)

At the time of writing, I have been up for 4 hours. But so far it has been pretty good.
The 3DS shuffled up some nice music while I was waiting for the bus, and I have been getting a lot of birthday wishes from people on the Internet (and one from my mom).
Later today I'll have tacos and cake =D

If you could live in any area in all of the Pokemon games, where would it be and why?

Ocarina_Man’s Profile PhotoJosh
I'd probably go for a smaller town as I'm not a big fan of bigger cities, and it should be close to a forest (yay Bug-types!). I think Kanto would be an awesome place to live. So based on this information it would be either Pewter City or Viridian City.

If you had the choice of wearing any costume, what would you go as for Halloween?

Probably nothing too fancy and elaborate such as Zero (from MegaMan) or Master Chief. I'd probably go for something easier like Groose, Red (from Pokémon) or Ghirahim. I assume the costume will be a perfect replica.
In the end, I'd probably go for something incredibly silly.

you should totally do a halloween livestream. I'd love to watch

I'm planning to, but we'll see how it will go. I will most likely play Amnesia, Slender, and SCP containment breach.

do you still dress up for halloween?

I can't recall a time I ever dressed up for Halloween, although I may have donned the Vaati costume last year. It's not a popular holiday here in Sweden compared to in USA (but we still got the candy and spooky stuff), and I haven't seen trick-or-treaters in years. This Halloween I might put on the Vaati costume again (especially if I'll livestream), but only because I don't have any other costumes.

What does your team look like in Pokémon X&Y?

Usually my teams consists of 6 Pokémon where half of them are male and the other half female (and my flying types are always female for some reason), but for X I decided to mix it up a bit. I currently have 9 Pokémon that I switch between. It would have been way more if I had caught Pokémon I have on all my other games as well, but I'm planning on transferring them over when I have the chance to.
Most of the Pokémon in my team look cute =3


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