

Ask @ShikkokuNoRenya

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The walls, about 18 feet (6 meters) tall, are closing in on you. If you had one skill or item to get you out of this situation, what would you use? No superpowers allowed.

Teleportation magic.
Technically not super powers. It's magic.

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If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

Taco Bell

Someone makes an anime where the main character is you, except you are a loli. Please answer as many of the following questions as you can: What do you look like (outfit, hairstyle, etc.)? What is your special power? Who is your sidekick? Who is your rival? What is your catchphrase/verbal tic?

1) Miko outfit. w/ shoulder-length hair
2) Lighting people on fire
3) @sagewolfzenith
4) Dio Brando
5) mrgrgr

Is weapon carry limit in shooters always a bad thing and why?

No. It's kind of annoying to have to juggle a bunch of different weapons and ammo types.
That being said, it is nice to always have different tools for different situations.

what's tiny fox's favorite color?

uhhh, i like a lot of colours
mostly silver, red, pink, purple, and black though


Language: English