
End the PSY-lence

Ask @SPEAKuwait

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it took you guys a while to reply but when you did I got an answer that I wasn't expecting. To me Alaa seemed to give me something vague however she gained my total respect because thinking of the answer I came to the conclusion that a mere few words can not end with a diagnostic. She did though ...

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to come. I moved on with my life and went on as it usually does but buried in me was this constant emptiness but yet I was happy? Doesn't make sense? Didn't to me either so I wondered to myself if it had anything to do with my mental state and hence the previous question I asked you 22 days ago ...

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Yet while reading the articles, I wondered to myself how does it feel to live with a mental disease. It just didn't make sense to me, something you can't touch, see or even feel; never the less it's there. At first I only appreciated the wealth of general knowledge you've given me not knowing what's

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One of my cousins retweeted one of your tweets. One thing led to another and I ended reading about what you are trying to achieve (highly respect what you are doing) in Kuwait, a society and culture were mental illnesses are foreign to us. I was inspired by reading numerous articles on al watan etc.

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Dalal, Alaa and all the Speak team, thank you sooo much! I never knew a simple retweet will go so far. I'd like to share my story with you guys. It's going to be in multiple questions because of the character limit. I know this is not idle but it's the only way to stay anonymous. Here I go ...

Hello "anonymous", thank you so much for your kind words! We are all ears! Go on!
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How bad is Dyslexia? Am I really disadvantaged?

You are never truly disadvantaged whether it was with a physical or mental problems. Dyslexia is a learning disability and learning disabilities are very manageable. Just because there is a traditional way to acquire information (example: to read or write), it doesn't mean there isn't a different way or that you can't learn at all. Today, there are many programs available that can teach you ways to learn how to read, write, and study anything you want, despite your dyslexia. People with dyslexia can finish school; attend university, and attain masters and PHD levels of education! I personally know many intelligent people with dyslexia.
Do not stop in your way and take this as a challenge to surprise others and more importantly yourself!
Here is a list of successful people who has suffered from dyslexia: Check it out and be inspired!

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I'm from a wealthy, stable family and study in a top twenty overall school in the US. Il7imdillah, I have most things I want socially, academically, and materialistically but yet I have this constant feeling of emptiness inside of me. Can this me down to mental issues? and where/who do you go to? ty

Your feelings may be a result of a mental illness or not. The point is you are experiencing feelings that you would like to deal with, which is great. Actually, many people seek therapy or counseling services for life problems regardless if they have a mental illness or not. I would suggest that you see your university's counselor to help you out. Sometimes, just talking to a professional about your situation or even your daily events might bring a great relief. Hope this helps!
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انا مريض بالتوتر العصبي من 7 سنوات واتعالجت عن عند دكتور عصام الانصاري من وقتها وبدايت علاجي كانت البدايه رائعه معا الادويه اختفا المرض تماما لاكن بعد 3 سنوات من العلاج رجعت تقل عندي نسبت التحسن معا العلم لم انقطع عن العلاج ابدا الي الان انعزلت اجتماعيا 0 لماذا وما الحل برأيكم

ممكن ان تكون هناك اسباب عديدة لهذا التغيير. قد تكون طريقة العلاج هذه لا تناسبك حالياً و يجب تغييرها او قد يكون هناك سبب اخر تماماً لا يمكن ان يكتشفه الا طبيب نفسي يراجع كل تفاصيل حالتك. لذا يجب ان تذهب لطبيبك النفسي او اذا كنت لست مرتاحا مع طريقته في العلاج يمكنك الذهاب لطبيب نفسي اخر. بعد ذلك، تشاور مع الطبيب الذي اخترته وافصح له عن كل التغييرات التي شهدتها في نفسك و ما تتمنى ان ينتج من العلاج فيعطيك طريقة علاج ترضيك و تشفيك ان شاء الله.
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Hello I would like to send you a message but I don't know your contact info.? do you have an email? Thanks

Yes we do. It is speakuwait@hotmail.com
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I don't know if this is relevant but is there a mojar difference between men's and women's psychology?

is there a major difference, no. There isn't really something called "woman's psychology" or "men's psychology" because mental health problems affect both. However, some fields of psychology have studied gender roles which is the social expression of femininity or masculinity. Other's have studied the psychology of women, which looks at psychological, biological, and social influences on gender differences, gender roles,and gender stereotypes in society. As well as the study of men and masculinity, which talks about the implications of the expectations of masculinity in society. While some have studied how some mental illnesses can affect men more than woman and vice versa, such as depression being slightly higher in women. Hope this was helpful!

هل هناك من تفسير علمي عن سبب دخول رجل بلغ الستين من العمر في حالة تقوقع غير عادية وبات على اثرها منعزلا تماما عن المجتمع وقابع دائما بالمنزل وقطع حتى الصلاة بالمسجد بما فيها صلاة الجمعة رغم انه اب لتسعة ابناء وجميعهم مستقرين مع اسرهم ومتواصلين مع والديهما كان يشغل منصب مهما قبل تقاعده وملازمة للمسجد

إذا لم أكن مخطئة، فإن ما تصفه هو أعراض الاكتئاب ولكن يجب التأكد من طبيب نفسي . الحياة عند كبر السن تتغير بشكل كبير ، هذا الرجل جرى له الكثير من التغييرات كزواج أطفاله و التقاعد من منصب مهم. في بعض الأحيان قد تؤدي هذه التغييرات الكبيرة إلى الاكتئاب. ولكن الاكتئاب ليس جزء طبيعي من كبر السن ولذا يحتاج الشخص إلى العلاج. والحمدلله هناك علاج! ينبغي أن يذهب لرؤية طبيب نفسي، ونأمل انه سوف يتعافى في الوقت القريب!

مرحبا هل سوف يكون فيه تجمع للمرضي النفسين او اللي يتعالجون بالعقاقير نتجمع ونحكي معا بعض ونتعرف علي بعض بالكويت 00 لاني من مرضت بالاكتئاب وانا منعزل لا اصدقاء عندي 00 لا ادري ماحل هاذي المشكله 0 معا العلم اني اتعالج بالادويه وفي نسبة تحسن لاكن ليس لي اصحاب او بالضبط اذا رأيت اي تجمع احس بالاحباط

شكراً على هذه الفكرة الرائعة لأن الذي لديه مرض نفسي يجب أن يتأكد أنه ليس وحيداً في العالم وهناك الكثير مثله وسوف يسعدون بالتعرف عليه. و تجمع مثل هذا سوف يبين للذين لديهم مرض نفسي وللذين ليس لديهم مرض نفسي, أن المريض النفسي كأي شخص لديه حياته الخاصة وعمل وعائلة ومواهب وهو بكامل عقله ويحتاج للأصدقاء و التقبل من المجتمع ككل شخص في مجتمعنا. وإنشاء الله سوف نحاول ترتيب تجمع مثل هذا في المستقبل القريب

I really dont know what to say! but seriously u guys are an inspiration to society. I know a lot of people who go to US to study, in top universities too and when they come back and face the reality of "Kuwait" and the lack of meritocracy they seem to want to give up on society but u guys havnt! ty!

Thank you so much for your kind words and your support! No matter where we go in life and what we achieve, we will always remain Kuwaitis. Yes, some things may be disappointing and it would have been easier not to take this step. But we believe Kuwait is ready for change, and if its own children stop caring, then who will?

how can someone prevent cancerophobia?

A phobia is an excessive fear of an object or situation that doesn’t pose actual danger. Unfortunately, the nature of how a phobia starts is not clear yet. People are different, thus a person may or may not develop a phobia. Since, we don't know the exact cause of phobias we don't know exactly how to prevent a phobia from occurring. We only know for sure how to treat phobias and their treatments are very effective and successful. (read the answer to "how to cure cancerophobia")
If you think that your extreme fear of cancer might develop into a phobia here's what you can do (of course we are not professionals yet so this is some general light advice):
1) Calm down when you think of cancer (try some breathing exercises).
2) Be realistic about your fear. Remember that cancer is not inevitable and even if cancer does happen there are many treatment options.
3) Realize that worrying will do you no good and will not prevent cancer.
4) Seek a professional if you find your fear is increasing because the closest thing we have to a prevention of cancerophobia is early intervention and the earlier you see a psychologist about your fears, the greater the chance is that your fears will not interfere with your everyday life.

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what is a cure for cancerphobia?

The treatments of cancerphobia are a lot and there are different. Here is a link with all the treatment options that states what's good about each treatment and what they don't like about it. It's a great way to decide. You can discuss these treatment options with your psychologist to choose whatever approach you believe will work best for you!

how can i major in psychology? lazem akhith 6ib 3ashan atkha9a9 psychology? im confused... thought id ask you guys!

If you want to become a psychiatrist (who specializes in treating severe mental illness and can prescribe medication), then you need to go to medical school and specialize in psychiatry. However, if you want to become a psychologist (who treats everything from severe mental illness to regular life problems but doesn't prescribe medication), then you need to take an undergraduate degree (preferably in PSYCHOLOGY but it could also be sociology, nursing, pre-med, or any other arts or science even though you will be at a disadvantage compared to those who have an undergraduate degree in psychology). After the undergraduate degree, you would take a PHD (in clinical, counseling, or school psychology) or a PsyD (also a doctorate in psychology). Also if you want to be a counselor (only deal with life problems) then you would need an undergraduate degree (also preferably in psychology but could be something else) and then take either a PHD in counseling psychology or a masters in counseling.
Hope this helps and please do not hesitate to ask for further clarifications when you choose what type of career you want.

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ive heard of a test we can take about psychology thats posted on your twitter.... i cant find it, can u post the link here please?

Unfortunately I don't know which psychological test you mean (we have posted a lot lol), but here is a link of many psychological tests that we have used and many that we haven't. Enjoy!

what causes autism? is it only inherited?

The causes of autism are still being investigated. What definitely DOESN’T cause autism is emotional problems or bad parenting or vaccinations! However, it has been suggested that Autism may be caused by a difference in brain development. This may not necessarily due to inheritance and genes only (which has been suggested), because brain development may affected by problems during pregnancy.

What inspired you to start this campaign and out of all the majors why did you choose Psychology?

The inspiration behind this campaign was a class I took in Northeastern University as well as a personal experience. My twin sister (Dalal) and I took a class called "Deviant Behavior and Social Control" which talked about the stigma of people that are considered "different" from the norm. Of those people are people with a mental illness. We couldn't bear the thought that people who needed our help, our support, and our love are suffering because of an unfair bias against them. So we decided to do something about it. We approached our professor with the idea of starting a campaign customized to Kuwait's needs that aims to end the stigma against mental illness and mental health services. We were accepted into a research program and S.P.E.A.K is based on that research. As for the personal experience, because we've choosen the field of mental health, we saw the stigma and judgements first-hand when we told people that we wanted to be psychologists. We saw how they looked at us in disappointment because we chose to deal with "crazy" people rather than become "regular" doctors. So we understand the UNFAIR and UNTRUE judgements against people who deal with mental health and we wanted to end them. S.P.E.A.K hopes to end these wrong biases by spreading the correct knowledge about mental health.
With regards to why we choose psychology. We choose psychology because it is the root of society and life. People make up the world. Psychology is the scientific study of people, their behaviors, thoughts, and everything about them. We have always wanted to help society and make an impact in the world. And what better way to help society than to learn about its members and help them? With psychology we have learned and can teach people how to live happily, how to enjoy life, and how to have a positive and healthy life. We hope to inspire people to enter this noble field and help the members of society take control of their life and determine their own happiness.

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I salute you for what you are doing! You know that in Kuwait we are a conservative country and going to a psychologist every now and then isn't that easy, so what you're doing is really making a difference. Thank you

Thank you so much for your support!! We're really humbled at your comment. Kuwait is a great country that accepts change with open arms, we only need to spread the knowledge!

How can one tell whether he is suffering from a mental illness or just normal trouble that everone deals with?

People go through normal phases of sadness or anxiety or distress that pass over time. However, the symptoms of a mental illness can go on for months or even years, they also sometimes increase in severity over time. Some symptoms of a mental illness may be disguised and one may think its just part of their personality to worry more than usual or to be sad most of the time, this is untrue. The only way to truly determine whether one has a mental illness or not is to visit a psychologist. These sessions are usually called "consultations", and in these sessions the psychologist will be able to determine whether a mental illness is present or not.
Thank you very much for your question. And feel free to ask as many as you want.

Do you think the reason behind PSYlence in Kuwait is caused by the cultural background or is it due to the lack or scarcity of the professional resources? (Hadeel Al-Mehri)

The reason behind psy-lence is the stigma associated with mental illness in our society and cultural background. Many people in our society still see the mentally ill as "crazy", dangerous, or unstable. Our society sends a message of rejection to the mentally ill. Therefore, many mentally ill people choose to suffer in silence and not seek treatment. What is the root of this stigma? Easy. The lack of awareness and education regarding the subject of mental illness and psychological treatment. In fact, psychological treatment and professional resources aren't scarce in Kuwait. Do we need more resource? Without a doubt we do. But, still there are many professionals that are helping people with mental illness in Kuwait and welcome anyone that seeks help at anytime. (if you would like me to recommend some mental health professionals, I am more than happy to help out :) ).
The key to ending the psy-lence in Kuwait is to learn the correct facts about mental illness, talk about mental illness, and accept people with mental illness as no less that respected members of our society deserving of every right we have.

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if a person is suffering from depression and have attempted suicide, is there anything you can do?

Definitely. Suicidal thoughts and attempts are very serious, but treatable if dealt with with proper care. Treatment for suicidal thoughts and depression can be in the form of therapy or medication or both as needed for the specific case. The first thing you want to do is to contact a local psychologist to assess this case properly and design the proper treatment plan. (If you are from Kuwait you can contact: Alrazi Counseling and Assessment Center Hotline: 9981-6522 Phone: 2571-1411/2573-777 or Soor Center for Professional Therapy and Assessment Telephone: +965-2290-1677).
You have to keep in mind that suicidal thought don't just go away with time. Treatment is crucial here. However, support is just as important. If this person is you, tell a friend or family member about what's going on. If this person is someone you know, then be there for them, let them know that they're not alone, that you care about them, and that help is possible.
Please keep us updated with the case and don't hesitate to ask more questions. Take care.

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Great Job.. Mowafaqeen inshalla. i know enna mo question. bes Mowafaqeen inshala. ok how long the campaign will be ?

Thank you very much for your support! Sorry we haven't been answering the questions, but we've been in meetings and interviews all week. No worries we're back in full swing now!
Inshallah the campaign will be as long as stigma and PSY-lence exist. This is a project that my sister and I will never let go of. The campaign started this summer and will be continuing throughout Ramadhan.


Language: English