

Ask @PinkyCutie

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Looks like we're opposites xD It's weird to say it out loud, but I do like having boyfriends around xD Not that I necessarily love them, I just want to have some guy around that pays for my stuff and makes me happy from time to time... Anyway, who do you think best fits your "ideal" husband?

aha yeah, people are different. I would love having some bf like that too, but I can't, bcz of some reasons. or I prefer not to.
by who, you mean among kpop idols? :3

Who's the ideal boyfriend material?

I don't like boyfriend thingy (bcz of reasons) but I'll tell you about my ideal husband ^^;
For me, I want someone with a calm personality, tall, and same job as me xD
looks aren't that important for me ^_^
Liked by: Karma

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I just hope I have a boyfriend now xD lol~

noooo~ I don't like boyfriend thingy~ I reject them all XD
I want someone to marry right away lol

And I can't recommend you any games 'cause I don't have any at the moment LOL But when I find some, I'll give you a heads up (if I remember).

Yesss thank you <3

The AFF chatroom is really... blah. Don't even worry about it. XD The only time it was okay was when AFF was new, really.

Chibister Kim-Woo
ahhh I wasn't there that time ;A; since I joined sep 2012 I think?? My english was fine why didnt I find it sooner OTL

forever envious of them T.T but seriously, both of the are the oldest members T.T how could they maintain good baby skin T.T

Nice skin care
Naturally no acne or few
and make up, my dear ^^
Liked by: Mia.

well I just changed mode to my phone now :3 ah~ luhan and Xiumin's faces are so baby like T.T I envy their skim

same bb I'm so frustrated with my skin ><
Liked by: Naomi Malau

cutie pieeeeeesss xD start with what?? xDDD

sorry i reply late I just keep going back to my photoshop and then my browser XD
uh,, cute?
Luhan is the aegyo master! <33
Xiumin too :3 he's cute.
Liked by: Naomi Malau

Where are you at the moment? Record video.

in my room. trying too hard to make my contest entry OTL. but I don't have a cam hahaha

AAAA!! I miss Care Bears so much! xD but I forgot their names.... really .-.

Aw bb you watched that too!? ;A; they were such cute and sweet little bears who lived on the clouds :3

What one item would you bring to an uninhabited island if you knew you'd be there with your bias? Such a random question lol

you mean forever?
uhmmm... maybe clothes or blankets ^^;
but my bias tho~ I'll die before I get to live with him hihihi :3

Do you go into chat rooms where you don't know anyone and just talk to peeps?

Chibister Kim-Woo
yeah sometimes when I feel bored to death I do that lol
but not in aff though >< I tried it last year but idk why it's not fun for me at all! the last time there was a guy in aff chatroom who was saying he's gay and he was really annoying @_@
in aff chatroom people are either talking bad about some idols or they're bashing featured/advertised stories ><
but other websites' chatrooms seem okay to me :p

Do you have any games you play online? If so, which ones? Recommend me some, too? :O

Chibister Kim-Woo
no tbh I don't really play online games ^^; when I was a teenager, I used to play dress-ups tho kkkkk
now my younger brother plays online games like bad piggies and angry birds xD or some bloody action games. I play with him sometimes if he begs too much lol but not much bcz he'll get clingy haha :D
I'm not bad at games, but not the best, so GAME OVER is a usual thing for me :3
oh, I used to like the Sims too! I still do but I don't have it installed xD
but please recommend me some online games, I want to try ^^


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