
The Bitch You'll Never Forget

Ask @Nikei99

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How does society brainwash the youth?

You have to be superskinny or else you get judge, you can't be "fat" or anorexic you'll be called mean things like fathead or anorexic child, you can't be depressed or you'll get called emo and everyone will think you cut, even if you don't, you need to be normal, or you'll get judge, you need to be out late instead of being home and read a book, you can't tell anyone you've had sex or else you'll get called slut, you must have friends only in the same sex or you'll be called player, if you're being yourself you'll get "bullied", you need to drink alcohol or you'll be called boring, you need to party as hell instead of being home and spend time with your family... I don't like society! 1. They screw up our lives, 2. Thay put up limits in our lives obviously everyone has to follow because things like: "ugh who wants to be friends with a fat person, or someone who's depressed and if they're depressed then they obviously will cut their wrists open, and you would actually like a person that is anorexic, suicidal, has anxiety, eating disorders or don't have enough money to but Victoria's secret or Hollister, listens to rock or metal if they're a girl and listens to Justin Bieber and 1D if boy, come on now let's judge someone with piercings or a different colour as hair dye and has a different style as emo, wait is there a style called scene to? My god i didn't know that" so that's The reasons i Hate society and i don't feel comfortable being someone I'm not, because The One i've ended up becoming is The One i am and thats because shit has happend things with My family and friends and someone dying constantly and someone is born immediately after someones death...

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vart otrogen någon gång?

Nope O tänker nte va d heller, va tsm m en, men så gjorde vi typ nt direkt slut, så vi hade en relation och båda hade en annan relation utan att vi ens tänkte på att vi nte riktigt gjort slut, haha det ä en rolig historia om man berättar face2face

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What three things in life you want more than anything else?

Go on Uppsala universitet,
To this thunder to go away, I'm so scared!
My family to get home so I'm not scared anymore


Language: English