

Ask @Lisaameow

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Are going to sleep on the same bed as Loren when you are in london?

We sleep in the same bed each time he stays over which is like twice a week

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"I have my mother's mouth and my father's eyes; on my face they're still togheter." from which book is this?

I know it's from a poem but I don't know what book it is? :c I didn't even know it was in a book D:

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Blue like a smurf

"be selfish, be human" being human doesn't mean being selfish. Making your life about you doesn't me being selfish. If you don't have good advice to give to people than don't give advice at all. Idiot.

Did I say "be selfish it's what humans are"? no it had nothing to do with each other "idiot". the "be human" was focused on enjoy life and the small things ffs don't be patronizing.

there's this 'friend' of mine that i actually can't stand but she's my friend help

THIS IS LIKE EXACTLY MY PROBLEM OMG uhm uhm idk i'd help you if i knew what to do haha

you're bisexual aren't you? or was that in the past?

I don't think ... you can ... be a certain sexuality ... in ... the ... past ... omfg


Language: English