

Ask @KailinK

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What's an animal that scares you (that isn't an animal that most people would, like a lion)?

Iguanas frighten me. But I love animals, so none of them scare me too much!

What was the last thing that you just did?

I just wrote a new chapter to my new book and jammed to Demi Lovato!

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If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

yellow :) I like happiness!

My therapist wants to put me on antidepressants and im just worried im not depressed enough...

I think this is 100% your choice. You can always see if they help, and if not, then perhaps its not right for you :)
Good luck and I'm here if you ever need to talk!

How do you make a good book cover?

Colours are important :) so is the writing :) make everything look professional!


Language: English