

Ask @JordanBarnesx

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im so insecure about me looks help me?:(x

well, I can guarantee you're insecure because of what a boy once said to you. He got mad called you fat or ugly or something along those lines then he thought sorry would make up for it, well it doesn't. 'Call her beautiful a thousand times she'll never believe, call her ugly once she'll never forget' that just says it all to be honest. You have no reason to be insecure, there will be at least one person in the world that finds you good looking just how you are. Don't listen to what people say about you they're all jealous, I'm sure you're perfect, I love you<3

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Why do you talk to Amber when She looks really ugly when she cries and selfs harms or used to. Yeh that's right I walked past her when she was crying to Chloe about it. Don't you look at her scars and think ew what the fuck am I thinking talking to such an ugly girl? Your not much better either tho.

no, I look at people like you and wish you go through the same stuff just so you know how it feels when people say shit like you do.


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