

Ask @GamingFelix

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What made you start youtube?

Cheetah1973’s Profile PhotoCheetah1973
I've always been a shy person and when I discovered YouTube (through Amnesia) I thought it looked fun and like it would be something that would challenge me and make me less shy. I think the main reason was also that I watched Tobuscus and Pewdiepie then and they made it look so fun and easy. So I wanted to try it

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If someone were to buy you a onesie just because they want to and got you to choose which ever one you want, what would you pick?

The most comfortable one :D I've no idea though. I've never even seen any
Liked by: UNACTIVATED Motiejus

Felix (つД`)ノ(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*( ^ω^ )(^_^)☆(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*( ^ω^ )(^_^)☆(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ!(◎_◎;)^o^(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*( ^ω^ )(^_^)☆(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*( ^ω^ )(^_^)☆(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*( ^ω^ )(^_^)☆(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*( ^ω^ )(^_^)☆(≧∇≦)*\(^o^)/*^ - ^(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))^ - ^(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))^ - ^(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))^ - ^「


If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

Someone that knew how to survive and get away from there. Like Les Stroud or Bear Grylls
Liked by: Madandsub


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