
Denise Justin

Ask @DeniseJustin


How do you like to start your morning?

Waking up and realizing that for once in a blue moon, I haven't overslept and ignored my alarm clock. LOL

are u filipino? do u know how to speak tagalog? :O

I'm mostly Filipino with a bit of Thai. Usually I just tell people I'm Filipino! I do speak basic Tagalog, just not hard words. I'm better at English :)

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Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

Art museum. I used to like zoos when I was young but I grew up and realized that most zoos exist for the customer's entertainment, encasing animals that are supposed to be FREE. I fully support animal reserves and sanctuaries that exist for the animals, not the people.

What is something you want right now?

Honestly, I need a new iphone. Mine is 4 years old and it takes 5 seconds to do anything on it, including typing! And when I need to call someone for urgent reasons, it takes twice that long to be able to find a contact number haha.

Should we read a lot of books?

Yes definitely. I found that books teach you how to 'think', more so than my experience in high school.

Language: English