
Deemah Al-Bishr

Ask @Deeez

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Deema & Reema♥..Thay are Two in a Million :")..They are my SUNSHINE (": ..Really !! Can't Live Without Them♥..THEY ARE KIND BEAUTIFUL AND EVERY SINGLE SECOND I LOVE THEM♥..They don't even know how very special they are♥♥!! I ADORE YOU BOTH♥..;$$$

Awwww dweeeena :|<3333
iLoveyou wwaaayyy mmooore <33333333333333__<3
Shu3oor mutbadl wallah ya bint el 5alla ;p la ag9iiiid ya o5tii ;p <3
I ADORE YOU TOO sweetiiiee ;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;*

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What drink do you prefer when you’re thirsty?

Water ;p
law ashrab '3erha w ana 36shana ma a7iss enni ertwait ;s

How much time per day do you spend on the internet?

ummmm maybe 1 or 2 hour ;')
w sometimes ma ajles 3leh abdan !

Meen al;sh59 Elli mn al'momkn Enk t9'7een B.7aiatk 3la shanh wa ma Trf9'een Lh 6lb ? ;$<33

sure my family , my cousins and my friends ;* ;* ;''') . . . !

i love.....? - i miss.....? - i hate.....? - i wish....? - i like...? - i want.....?

ilove ; you <3
imiss ; yasser bor ;'( & lama cousin </3
ihate ; school ;x and final exams ;'c
iwish ; secret ;x;x <3 ;p
ilike ; candy , ships , citrus , restaurants , malls & markets ;;)
iwant ; return of the past days ;'''( & i want back to paris,swiss and every place ;s !!

ديمووو تدريين اني احببببك <3 ;***

Yeah ik ;$ ;p
And iloveyou too <3<333 !

pepsi or coke ,, me or you ,, kiss or hug ,, love or hurt ,, hi or hey ,, bye or see you ,, mother or father ,, night or day ,, that's it or that's all

Coke of curse ;p .. lol =)) both ;$ .. hug <3 .. ;| how ! .. hey ;p .. see you <3 .. both <3 .. both ;p;p .. that's it ;D
Nice q btw (yyy)

wsh a5r shi aklteh \ shreteh \ sm3teh \ glteh \ sulfti m3h bbm \ r7ti lh \ ft7teh b net \ ft7ti lh albab \ tab3teh \ klmteh ?

5ubz burr ;p < tra yna7eff ;p .. min el b8ala <3 .. 8ur2an <3 .. asnan ;\ .. asaiel <3 .. ask.fm ;p .. ummm nset -___-" .. nothingg ><" .. MAMA <3

school or university ? sister or brother ? riyadh or dubai ? iphone or blackberry ?

university akeeed ;s .. sister <3<3 .. both ;p .. bbbbbbb <3<3<3 ;pp

school or university ? sister or brother ? riyadh or dubai ? iphone or blackberry ?

university akeeed ;s .. sister <3<3 .. both ;p .. bbbbbbb <3<3<3 ;pp

wsh a5r shi aklteh \ shreteh \ sm3teh \ glteh \ sulfti m3h bbm \ r7ti lh \ ft7teh b net \ ft7ti lh albab \ tab3teh \ klmteh ?

5ubz burr ;p < tra yna7eff ;p .. min el b8ala <3 .. 8ur2an <3 .. asnan ;\ .. asaiel <3 .. ask.fm ;p .. ummm nset -___-" .. nothingg ><" .. MAMA <3

pepsi or coke ,, me or you ,, kiss or hug ,, love or hurt ,, hi or hey ,, bye or see you ,, mother or father ,, night or day ,, that's it or that's all

Coke of curse ;p .. lol =)) both ;$ .. hug <3 .. ;| how ! .. hey ;p .. see you <3 .. both <3 .. both ;p;p .. that's it ;D
Nice q btw (yyy)

ديمووو تدريين اني احببببك <3 ;***

Yeah ik ;$ ;p
and iloveyou too <3<333 !

Loooool allah yfshllll eblisk ,,, magic words << ma galo lk magic =)))))))

6ayebb ! m3naha kalemat se7reya ;S
la tg3deen tetfalsafen =)))))

أستغفر الله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه~

Sob7aanAllah’s Profile PhotoSob7an Allah ~
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " مَنْ لَزِمَ الإِسْتِغْفَارَ جَعَلَ لَهُ الّلهُ مِنْ كُلّ هَمٍّ فَرَجاً وَمِنْ كُلِ ضِيْقٍ مَخْرَجاً وَ رَزَقَهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ " =) 3>


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