
Colonel J

Ask @Colonel_J

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What's the weirdest thing you've found at a garage sale or thrift shop?

I bought a cracked version of Sonic Advance 2 for GBA from a flea market (it's a communal garage sale for beaners in a way) so I could plug it into my gamecube in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle to help raise my Chao in the Chao Garden. The cartridge was heavier than normal GBA cartridges and the it didn't work with my gamecube x(
Damn beaners.

Since you have so much IP, why not buy the heroes you don't own yet? Trying them out once or twice in a custom game can be fun even when you don't think they suit your style. Look at me. I play ezreal, but I tried skarner once and he was really fun. don't discriminate vs heroes

only retards buy all the champions.
I like accumulating IP then laughing at the retards who complain rune pages and runes cost too much while owning 90+ champ so I can call them retarded for buying champions they won't play consistently.

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do u like anime

No. I'm not a weeb. "Thou shalt not watch commit weebery" is the hidden 11th commandment that wouldn't fit the slab.

Post a picture of your pets!

I accidentally answered this to the scar question 4 times cause I'm a retard.
Yuki, white dog, I got when I was in middle school and I don't remember how exactly we got them I think the owner had to give them up.
Scruffy, retard dog, was took from the pound. I remember when their hair was really bad. This was them after their hair got healthier and they got a haircut. I should post a current pic of them later.

Are you allergic to anything?

I'm allergic to something called PABA in suntan lotion.
My mom is allergic to shellfish and my brother grew allergic to it and had to go to the hospital once cause they didn't knew they grew allergic to it and got hives and stuff. Hopefully that doesn't happen to me. I don't eat shellfish much, but I don't take medicine unless I'm going to die since I'm not white and I'm unsure if an allergic reaction to shellfish will kill me or not.

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

Recently? Not very long. I don't talk to people much and I'm not a talkative person.

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?

Garbageman. I'd have the power to see through garbage for cool things and not need to waste time.

Are you for or against euthanasia/physician assisted suicide?

Suicide was actually illegal once in some states in the past, but it's not really enforceable since, you know, the person is dead and stuff.
I'm against all suicide, but people will always find ways to kill themselves so it there might as well be some official process to doing it via assisted suicide.
Though I'm of the personal belief that if you're going to kill yourself you better do it the hard way like am man Damiya Style and not the easy way and get everyone involved. Pain is the way the brain tells you something is bad or harmful. If suicide hurts, even for a fraction of a second, then it is of course bad and you should experience that pain for yourself before you end your life. Suicide shouldn't be an easy thing. It should be hard. Very hard. If you want to kill yourself, but no go through some pain to achieve it then you're a pussy bitch.

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What's your favorite flavor of ice cream and if you don't like/can't have ice cream, what's your favorite dessert?

I don't eat ice cream much since I'm not white, but green tea is pretty nice.

Funniest "Laugh Out Loud" moment you've encountered today?

I don't laugh really, but it was amusing how this doggy uses their butt to assert their dominance over other doggies. Soul showed it to me.

Pro-life or Pro-choice?

both sides sound positive when in reality the opposite of pro-life is pro-death and the opposite of pro-choice is pro-not choice.
I'm pro-choice I guess, but only before the third trimester. The government shouldn't force a baby on you unless they are willing to provide everything (money) to take care of it, but you'd need to be a total retard to get pregnant these days. Abortion shouldn't be a "last resort" thing.

is there anyone who whenever you think of them you sigh?

No not really. I only sigh when I'm tired. I smile when I think about people who aren't even my friends anymore cause I remember the good times.


Language: English