

Ask @ChrysanthemumOW

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I swear I remember you from forums before I got banned. How long have you been there?

A few years ago like 2012 I believe. Who were you??

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Would you erase your most precious memories to become smarter?

Why would I? They are precious for a reason and how would I get smarter though⁉⁉⁉⁉ LOL.
Liked by: Marisa

Who is your closest friend on OW?

I'm naming more than one because I do have a few.
please, Rebecca, Cattivo, Bacon 8D, Zy
Liked by: Marisa

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Probably travelling to many different places with my current boyfriend <3333 And just enjoy life honestly. ;o

If you were granted an autograph from anyone, who would it be?

Michael Jackson if he was still alive, Taylor Swift, So Ji Sub, Lee Minho, Yoo Seung Ho, Choi Si Won, Key, Taemin,Lee Hongki, Nickhun [Boy am I a fan of KPOP haha :')]

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Fighting/ yelling! My bf promised me he would not rage at me and he shall try his best at all cost to not engage in that action mainly because he knows and cares for me and wouldn't EVER hurt me in ANY way. I really love him for that.

Omg Trish c': I'm so proud of you. It's all about the effort and how much you want it, and in the end all your efforts do pay off. I remember when I learned everyone had given up on me, and eventually I learned myself. It was such a proud accomplishment back then too. I was 8 or 9 I think.

:o At least I'm not alone haha. Kudos to you! That's amazing. I am proud of you too ^^ Keep it up. <3 Another thing I hated was falling and getting hurt, but you have to when you learn to bike. I managed to overcome that fear and now I am able to cycle to the beach and have loads of fun, including getting some excercise in.

How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

12 years old, a lot older than most people would. This is because I was born with a special kind of medical condition that made me have poor balance, but being able to learn how to ride a bike is such a proud thing I can say about myself. I managed to work and made myself stronger and with determination I finally learned how to bike. I would think it is better than never knowing how to ride a bike just because my medical condition limits me, but I can still do it if I put effort and it paid off. Now I am a cyclist that goes about 30 miles a day on a trail.
Liked by: Iakovia Marisa

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

Whether it can be a very horrible past, it strengthens us to become stronger and that's just how we can go through life. Yes, it will haunt us but without it honestly we wouldn't learn to make our lives better. It's a part of life everyone can go through. I rather not share any of it though because I mean it's bad so why be curious bout it. The past is the past and it stays there. I rather focus on present than those horrific memories which can hurt my current performance in life.
Liked by: Marisa

What's the last photo you took on your phone? Post it!

It's some crappy games full of defeats on league cause I suck. I tend to get grouped with people who doesn't know how to teamwork, play their champ, or they just suck. Period. Oh, not to mention flamers and toxic people I get grouped with. Factors in league I honestly hate. I mean I know I'm not the bestat this game, but to an extent I am learning to become better and perhaps most of these people ruin my experience to want to continue playing. Yes, game is fun, but not when your teammates argue and throw salt all over you for your mistakes. No games are perfect. Also the amount of blame there is in League is pretty insane. Every game is different and in my opinion when you're playing you are basically testing your skill based on your knowledge on the champ and their abilities. Also not to mention it is testing your tactics to getting the wins. So there will always be people who are better than you and you can't win all the time. Plus this is a team game so working together is a plus when it comes down to teamfights mid/late game. The community is so toxic it's pretty disappointing.

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Liked by: Trish Marisa

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

Never had that honestly. Always had great gifts ;* Who can't love money even there's no gifts right? ;o

Do you have a phobia? What is it?

I do, phonophobia. Perhaps it is why I have never been to the theaters sadly ;-; or watch live fireworks cause they give me severe panic attacks and also I'm easily startled. It's a hassle to go through this phobia, but I gotta deal with it and endure. I avoid places with loud noise although I'm fine at like dances which is interesting, I guess it's music so that's why?


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