
Kimberly James

Ask @CelebritySiren

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What cup size did you go from using noogleberry? Is it painful?

I was a large B , now I'm a small D. Yes it is a bit painful but you get used to it.

Do/have you used Retin A?

Yes I have used it in the past, I think it works great. I had the gel , I would use it on my hands the 0.05% I believe

What do you use to lighten your knuckles, knee caps, elbow

Skintrium Skin Soho Cocktail serum and xf15 lightening gel

Are you alive?

Lmbo! I was stuck in Fuckin Dallas, TX due to that damn ice storm. Stayed on vacation way longer than I planned. But I made it back home yesterday , video coming soon.

Are the results of Noogleberry permanent?

Nothing is permanent except surgery. You still have to maintain them by pumping at least once a week.

When you apply maxi peel on your back how do you peel it off since its hard to reach?

It peels on its own , never peel it yourself. I did in the video for the sake of demonstration.

Can you explain your current skincare regimen (including soaps, cleansers, serums, spf etc)?

FACE: M2 Skin Refinish (once a week)
M2 Exfoliating Cleanser
Fair and Flawless face lightening/rejuvenating serum
Fair and Flawless Super Spot Eraser
Body; M2 Body refinish ( once a week)
Fair&White vitamin C soap
Skintrium esthetic blend Gelato mixed with Carotein lotion

What exfoliating products do you currently use?

I use M2 skin refinish on my face, I am using Fair&White exfoliating vitamin C soap on my body. Esthetic Blend Gelato on my body. Sometimes Colada White lotion .

What business or company do you wish you owned?

I wish I owned Instagram or Facebook or like Apple or some techie shit! I hope my son will be the next Mark Zuckerburg or something. Create something big!

What increased the size of your boobs the most? Noogleberry Breast Pump, Pueraria Mirifica, GLC -- Most effective to least?

All of these methods are highly effective, I can't really say which worked best because I was doing them all at once. But I will say, GLC works for the entire body, it gave me a booty and weight on me. The Noogleberry will get your boobs so nice round and tight, results look like implants for real! Google it! They have a forum where you can see people's results and it's almost hard to believe that it can make your boobs look like that. Transexual men even use it to grow boobs! It's worth it but you have to be consistent.

Cali or La?

Louisiana will always be home, my family is there. But you know, I've always felt out of place and different , like I didn't belong there. I feel like Cali is where I am supposed to be, it's my "place called there"... You have to be in the place where God wants you in order to truly fulfill your destiny.

Are you an actress? Do you have any tips on how to obtain management/an agent?

Yes. If you want to obtain a REALLY GOOD agent , you need to immerse yourself in your craft. Study with the best acting teachers, do lots of FREE, yes non-paying gigs and student films , indie films to build your resume. Get your demo reel and professional head shots together and then go for it. And really research your agent too, because everybody who claims to be an "agent" may not be reputable or may not get you the amount of work you are looking for. I have run into a few scamming ass "agents" . Be sure they have your success as their top priority.

Did you use the GLC supplement to increase the size of your boobs? Bc they are pretty big now hahah!

Yes I did , I used it for 3 years. I also did other things like the Noogleberry Breast Pump and Pueraria Mirifica. I was an 32AAAA . People think it just happened overnight , but there was a lot of ups and downs and it still needs to be maintained.

I'm doing a makeover and and I wanted to also ask you if you have ever tried maca or rubbing fish oil on certain body parts I know that sounds crazy but people say it works . Also waist training with a latex corset I want to do all of these plus the fair and flawless ! I pray that everything works !

Hello, I have done Maca, it really works. Didn't do the fish oil because I refuse to walk around smelling like that all day! If you are going to waist train, invest in a steel boned corset and wear it 10 hours a day! Good luck!

Are you going to post a video about your final results using Luschous Skin Care on your face?

Yes in about a week. I'm put of town right now.

How to make a woman happy?

It's not hard to make a woman happy, men think it's so difficult , but it's really simple. I think a lot of men just don't try. If you want to make a woman happy, do what you say you are going to do. Call her and let her know you are thinking of her. Put in some amount of effort, plan a special date or buy her flowers just because. A women wants to know she is desired and respected.


Language: English