
Preacher Brass Brutal

Ask @BrassBrutal

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Best job you ever had?

The part time job whilst I was at college of pushing trolleys. I was only really earning 20p an hour less than those working at Mcdonalds but it was such a chilled out job with zero stress I figured I had the better deal. Any issues I had at that place were entirely my fault and not due to the result of "management" interfering.

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How will you show gratitude today?

By living my life the best way I can. I always try my best to live for the moment and enjoy what ever it is I'm doing at that time. The only problem I have is that my brain goes into shut down mode and I have to sleep but luckily that doesn't usually happen until 11pm-midnight.

What is the perfect number of hours to sleep?

Clearly less than 6 hours of sleep I function quite well on less than 6 hours of sleep until about midnight when getting the motivation to do anything takes forever.
What is the perfect number of hours to sleep

What have you learned from your past?

To treat others how you wish to be treated at first then treat them how they treat you. If that individual is negative always remember two wrongs don't make a right it makes it even.
What have you learned from your past

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Playing a game whilst watching a wrestling show and listening to rock and metal whilst drinking an ale and eating something tasty!

Do you work well under pressure?

I do my best to give everything I do my all. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed and do nothing. I'm just an all or nothing type of guy. So yes I work well under pressure until I feel overwhelmed which really depends on the situation on how easily overwhelmed I might be.
Do you work well under pressure

Do you remember your first friend?

I suppose so I remember some early years with him but we had pretty much parted ways by infant school. I suppose my earliest memory of a friend would be classed as my first friend as I don't recall much before that.

Do you prefer very spicy or non-spicy food?

When I have a curry I like it to be spicy to the point of where the spice to forces me to break out into a sweat but I don't like it to be so spicy that I can't really taste or enjoy what I'm eating.
Do you prefer very spicy or nonspicy food

What one blessing would you want someone to grant you?

I would like to be blessed with myself, family and friends having good health and that we all pass away quietly and painlessly through the night of old age.
What one blessing would you want someone to grant you

Do you think dad caps are really making a comeback?

I have no idea what a dad cap is? Is it a baseball cap with the word dad on it? Is it a flat cap that I believe made a comeback 5 years ago? Or is it something completely different? This question raises more questions than answers.
Do you think dad caps are really making a comeback

How much do you love Netflix and Poptarts?

I love Netflix and I enjoy poptarts until I start getting heartburn after eating one.
How much do you love Netflix and Poptarts

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

I believe what ever happens simply happens there's no point in losing sleep over it. All that matters is you live your life for the moment and do your best to enjoy as much as you possibly can because these years of life are only a short few death is forever.

What's the best April Fools' Day prank you've ever witnessed?

It must have been the time I got myself a gym membership 10 years ago to this very day. I was astounded that I got myself good and thought to myself "you fool you're never going to use the gym you're just wasting your money". How wrong was I in the end how very very wrong. I didn't carry on with going to the gym because I had aspirations of being a strongman or a body builder I did it because I was always angry and stressed about something and lifting weights seemed to be the only thing that made me feel better. To this day I still lift weights to help with my anger issues and stress levels and now I consider myself a somewhat calm and caring individual most of the time...... it's just that OH HELL YEAH!!!!!
Whats the best April Fools Day prank youve ever witnessed

ROADTRIP! Where are you going and who are you taking with you?

I'm going around the world! I'll more than likely take my family with me.
ROADTRIP Where are you going and who are you taking with you

What would you be doing right now if the internet didn't exist?

More than likely watching wrestling, playing games and listening to music. Normally I'd go gym also but I tend not to lift weights on a Friday night unless I feel I absolutely have to.

What color was your childhood home?

Erm Bricks? To be more specific I'd say Red Bricks but bricks non the less.
What color was your childhood home

Would you rather be in constant pain or have a constant itch?

Well I'm always in constant pain if it's not from muscle ache it's from injury so I suppose I'll carry on with the pain. As for the itching side of it people feel the urge to itch all of the time even now after reading this answer you'll feel the urge to itch. ;-)

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

I'd serve all sorts of food. It'll more than likely be a world buffet type place as I really enjoy the choice of different foods personally.
If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve


Language: English