
Aaron Amos Bishop

Ask @AaronAmosBishop

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Your "Bestfriend" Shaydan Storm is a dog.

Um no she's no. she's the most amazing person I have ever met in my whole life. I wouldnt be able to live without her being my bestfriend. So go die faggot

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Where in Aus are u from?

Australia>western Australia>Perth>Mandurah>lakelands. There you go broke it down to my suburb.

Is Jacob bond a wanker ?

I'm not quite sure, as i do not sit there out side of his bedroom window at night watching to see if he 'wank's.
But on the other hand, Hey hanno c:

I can't add you, i don"t want you print screening me, calling me a whore lol that's why i asked on this, its anonymous...Haha

I actually honestly won't print screen, or call you a whore :/ I swear on my fathers grave..

The guy Im fooling around with cheated on his ex and current gf with me but i didn't know bout the 1st one! i want him and he told me he still likes me but i won't go all the way cos he has a gf. What should i do? And does this make me a wrecker? Does that make me a bitch?

Add mee on facebook, facebook.com/aaron.amosbishop Shall talk there. it is easyer xo

has anyone been in orgy and I mean more the 5 people

Duuuude. why are you asking me this as iff the world is going to see it?

Okay, you've got to fuck one marry one kill one, Nicki Minaj, One Direction (all of them) & Susan Boyle

Well lets get this straight.
I was going to say,
marry- susan boyle
feck- nicki
kill- OD

But then i googled susan boyle. (I know of her but forgot her appearance)
So um, gonna have to say
Marry - Nicki (She has money and good/bad ass)
Feck - Susan. One time thing so eh.
kill- (O)ver (D)ose

can u do better wheelies than Wade?

Hahhahahahah!!! Last LAN, I was sitting there for like 30 minutes doing a wheelie around 50 people without the wheels touching the floor, who dis?


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