
♔ His Excellency ♔

Ask @xlnc

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What causes you to panic?

Lol! I always keep death at the back of my mind. Nothing panics me but only the fear that I might have violated human rights and Allah will hold me accountable for that.

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What three things do you think of most each day?

1. To serve my parents better.
2. Not to commit sins and maintain Islam in life till death.
3. Fear the last day.
Liked by: Haneen !

When is it important to break the silence?

Whenever u r not understood it becomes necessary to break it

What do you think of weak, timid and emotional people?

Weak n timid are those who can't gather courage. I think they should learn about human reality and start to accept the fact that we are not born to live forever.
I consider myself an emotionally weak person, so I really can't comment much, but its not good to be very emotional.

Ramadan Kareem! :D How are you?

Ramadan Kareem to you too. I'm just fine Alhamdulillaah! How are u n do u knw me?

Instead of words, what gestures do you always use?

I prefer words as words give clear, transparent and exact meaning. I show some great gestures by the grace of Allah though.

Do you prefer giving or receiving?

Both! But more giving as it lessens the burden. N I love to receive from Allah!

Can we stop the violence? as an individual.

Yes at individual level we can n awe can also try to get others with us

Did you form your life or has life 'formed' you ?

I have no control over life so I would say that my life is formed by Allah The Creator. :))

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

To know someone u need to be aware of points that can tell you what type of a person someone is. The time it would take depends upon how wise you yourself are and it's not easy to know someone just like that. It's hard to really know someone.

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

None. It's good to save lives. :)


Language: English