
Laci Green

Ask @thelacepaste

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Hey Laci! I really fell in love with you during your Gogreen18 days on YT. Those videos are actually the main thing that helped me leave religion. I was just wondering why you took most of them down? I think they are still useful for many people today. Love you girl.

<3 thanks babe. i took them down bc people were using them to attack me left and right (pro islamic feminists, mostly) and i was losing jobs. i might put them back up now that my fucks have run dry.

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Not sure if this is your area of expertise, but I got the Mirena IUD last summer after giving birth. Recently after sex or breastfeeding I'll get severe period-like cramps despite my period not yet returning. My baby is almost 1 so it's not post-birth contractions. Any advice?

given that it's connected to sex/breastfeeding it sounds like it may be hormonally related, but i personally haven't heard/am not aware of these symptoms from Mirena. i'd ask your doc on this. best to make sure it's nothing serious as well. be well!
Liked by: ratcan

Has it occurred that MRAs want BOTH parents to have a say in whether the woman gets an abortion or not? I mean, the baby is half his, so he should have half the say on the matter.

wow! what an entirely new concept i've never thought of!
until the PREGNANCY is happening half inside his body too, he gets no say. if he didn't want a baby, he shoulda used a condom. and if he did, find a partner who shares those desires instead of forcing childbirth on someone who doesn't want it like a fucking creep. end of story.

Do you think its stupid if a teen gets pregnant and doesn't abort?

it's not my place to judge what's "stupid" and what's not. what a person chooses is right for them must be respected. nobody is in her mind but her.

what's your take on bi-erasure in the lgbtq+ community?

i'm aware that it happens. personally though, all of the bs i've experienced about being bi came from people who are not lgbt. "you're not bi, you're just a slut." "if you're with a woman, you're gay. if you're with a man, you're straight." "you'll pick a side eventually."
Liked by: Peter Prentice

Do you have any conservative good friends?

several, as well as my whole family. i grew up in a very conservative community. differing opinions don't bother me, and i think shared politics are only one out of dozens of foundations for friendship.

Can you refrain from giving alternative medicine advice? Placing garlic in the vaginal cavity has not been confirmed as a scientific solution to treat yeast infections. I am a huge fan your social commentary, but believe you should leave medical advice to board certified experts.

in short, nope! it's not medical advice, it's a home remedy, which women have been using for thousands of years. i don't believe that just because a remedy comes from nature, it's bad. and i think that the medical industry overlooks these solutions to common problems because they are not profitable. 50 cent garlic, or $20 yeast cream -
which would you sell?
bodies are magical machines, and sometimes we have to get creative with them. this particular hack is also backed by a lot of research, including the almighty NIH! sometimes, natural medicine is bs. homeopathy certainly is. but other times, solutions from nature work. and the hacks i share have made my life much easier and made me a healthier person, so i'm definitely going to share that info for people to do their own research on.

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Why aren't you a featured creator at vidcon? Why aren't you going to summer in the city?

i was originally scheduled to be out of town, so i told vidcon i wouldn't be able to attend. next year! sitc, however, didnt invite me this year. :(
Liked by: ratcan Clifton Mays

Do you think it's possible to be both a feminist and an MRA?

if we define both as fighting for gender equality, then yes. but i think both feminists and MRAs do things that do not promote gender equality. i also think men's rights are covered under feminism, so i tend to think of truly "MRA" arguments as ones that come down to " men's rights over a woman's body". which is why i would not ID as both. i am open to having that perspective challenged. but that's what i see right now.

This is an odd question but, during your research into 'the other side', have your travels brought you to a little image board website known as *Music gets more intense*.......*voice deepens* 4Chan? What were your thoughts? Do you think it and sites like it should be censored?

haha, girl im not new in town. i found 4chan in 2006/2007ish. i don't think 4chan should be censored. but i do think posts should be removed if they are illegal (like child porn) or calls for physical violence against someone/a group of people.

So election night tweets. imo there's a huge difference between "fuck white America" and "fuck specific white people's opinions just cause of their race." They're both simplifications but one is obv pointing to systemic issues and the other is a personal attack. Seems many don't see it this way tho?

well i'd obviously agree :P i also think fuck white america was a little heavy handed.
i think one of the biggest rifts, and the root of a lot of arguments, is that people equate broad patterns/trends/"systems" as feminists call them to individual experiences, and vice versa. anecdotes vs aggregate data basically. we should be specific.

I think emotional appeals can be very effective in the right context, esp when combined w/more logical arguments. Such as presenting data on a subject and combining it w/something more emotional and human. Example could be statistics on rape + stories or quotes from actual survivors. Thoughts?

totally agree! there needs to be space for our human experiences, which are often emotionally driven & a part of the equation. my problem is when emotional arguments are used to shut down conversation (e.g. "talking about gender = invalidating me"), or when it comes at the expense of logic (e.g. "genital preferences=transphobia", which relies on the same logical premise & emotional tactics as conversion therapy).

Hey Laci, could a consistent pattern of discomfort/pain during intercourse & other forms of vaginal penetration possibly be linked to complications like pelvic anatomy? I'm 18, female, and the discomfort comes from contact w my pubic bone, it's also at an awkward angle. Should I get an examination?

i'm a little bit unsure of what you mean by "contact with pubic bone", but if you're in pain definitely talk to the doc! they can figure out what's going on.
Liked by: Clifton Mays ratcan

What's your suggestion for trying to fight for soc justice causes?I mean soc justice has a bad rap that it seems difficult finding people to join the fight because so many people,rightfully so,believe that it's composed of authoritarians.Injustices can't be won by 1 person.Maybe leading by example?

i wonder about this myself. i think feminists need to be willing to talk to people who see things differently and make more logical arguments rather than emotional appeals. also good to call out stuff that stifles conversation within the movement, like those authoritarian tendencies. idk. messy.

Is it normal to get a yeast infection around your period?? I always do

yeaaahh :( it's normal. i have one right now too. sucks. here are some things that can help:
-cut down sugar (including bread and pasta) as much as possible before your period
-take a daily probiotic. i recommend this one, but buy it at whole foods if possible because it needs to be refrigerated: http://amzn.to/2rJzkFG
-pop a whole, peeled garlic clove in there for a few days before you start your period. more on that in my vagina hacks vid.
-keep the area cool and dry with cotton undies.
-avoid tampons w a yeast infection on period. pads are OK but they can trap moisture, especially the disposable ones. a menstrual cup is ideal.
i rarely get yeast infections anymore once i started doing this stuff. (i have one now because i just finished antibiotics, which kill off your protective bacteria :[)

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Liked by: Beth Clifton Mays

Do you find it patronizing that since you "took the red pill," you will finally see the truths of the world? I followed you for a long time and besides a few hiccups, you've always been truthful. I don't know, I find it insulting but I'm not you.

hmm, im assuming you mean people who think that i "never thought for myself" and am "finally open" now that i'm being more outspoken about more stuff. in which case, yeah i also find it condescending. :P but i get it to some extent. the internet only knows what i share with it.

Do you know much about at what age people become sexual? I remember being about 6 or 7 and having sexual feeling but not knowing what they meant. Is that normal?

that's normal. everyone's a little different, but sexual development starts in infancy. children usually discover that touching themselves feels good, or have vague feelings of attraction/crushes before they're 10. i think i was about 8.

so you see the tours and capitalization of mayan ruins or egypt pyramids as cultural appropriation?

lol no, i don't think visiting foreign places and buildings is appropriative. unless perhaps it was stolen from the community. i see the core issue being about stealing.


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