

Ask @saralovessheeran

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how are you? what you doing? are you bored? favourite pizza topping? fav colour? animal? music? food? drink? bestfriends? 5 likes? 5 dislikes? 5 things you hate? fav programme? what you doing over weekend? ask me questins back please x

ChelsBitches’s Profile PhotoChelsey NOT Chelsea
GOOD FANX; waiting til i go to orchestra; yes; hawaiian; purple; DOGSSSS; too many artists i love, there's ed sheeran, mumford&sons, simon&garfunkel, i could go on but i cba; cheese; cherryade; @JakeGrizzlybear, ebony, soph+smellyyy; 5 likes: music, fashion, my new phone yay, blogging, INTERNET CONNECTION; 5 dislikes: dirt underneath nails eugh, rain, beetroot, doing everything for people who couldn't give a shit about you, and prejudiced peopleeee; isn't this the same as 5 dislikes lol; the big bang theory; homework ugh. x

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have it your way their is more to life than WORDS but i got through ok and school did not get me where i am today as you already no grammar is not my strong point

yup, that's pretty clear. what kind of shops? if it's like fashion design, school could've helped you get further than just a few dotted shops. btw what secret were you on about?

i am 21 and i think having 12 shops is good at my age and no one gave them to me i worked very hard to get where i am today the names of The shops is called above all i have 8 in london and 4 in the isle of man and opening one in manchester in april so dont worry about my grammer

*grammar *don't *about a million full stops & commas you missed
fabulous, please go on and tell me more of your life story, it's so INTERESTING
fair play to you tho, *pats on back*

and you are so goodlooking tell me the SECRET and i promis you i wont tell no one ok

1) I am NOT good looking, r u havin a laff m8
2) what secret?!
3) if I did have secret I wouldn't tell some mothafuka anon lol
4) your grammar is appalling; 'won't tell no one' implies you'll tell everyone (double negative)

robert x

oh well that clarifies everything, there is obviously only one robert on this planet, and that's robert downey jr, so FUCK YEA I'M ROBERT DOWNEY JR'S GIRL

right. thats it. just stfu and leave Sara alone, you fucked up your lives, not her. plus, i cant believe anyone would think they have the right to talk to anyone like that. sort yourselves out, thanks. Sara you're beautiful, dont let anyone treat you like that!<3

HannahMayFoley’s Profile Photoh.f
aw thankyou so so so much, ily gorgeous, you're perfect gurl xo
Liked by: h.f

LOOOL I'm 18 nearly 19 I'm not going to be a keyboard warrior so.. Cool man your opinion still means nothing to me. All I was trying to get across was dont judge people who have abortions.

My opinion obviously does not mean anything to you, since you've sent me three questions. Note sarcasm. I normally don't judge people at all, it was just her. So sorry if I've annoyed/angered/upset you because of something I said to a complete stranger.


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