

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Welp, so much for Noah's angsty threat... https://twitter.com/TribeTwelve/status/1003141980606509056?s=19

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
1. Hooray we might get Rendezvous soon!
2. Firebrand roasting his past self hard.... roasting.... I’ll see myself out.
3. I still don’t trust him. He needs Noah to act so his plan can continue. So of course when Noah drags his feet he pushes him. Lest we forget it was Firebrand who took Noah last.
4. In the vein of that last point, yes Milo did get stuff done. Like killing Mary Asher. Which I guarantee Firebrand orchestrated. Might have been part of the loop and been destined all along, but it would give him the chance for revenge against her for what she did to Milo.
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I guess Firebrand's hostile attitude to us in SCRINIARII makes more sense. Although that just begs the question...what does Firebrand think of us now?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I’m starting to believe we can’t trust Firebrand at all.
Yes he wants to help Noah beat The Administrator and The Collective, but they did torture him mentally for years. He has suffered cause of them, and he has the power to make them pay. We don’t know for a fact he’s on our side or if he’s just using us to achieve his goals.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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What have you guys been playing during my absence? I've really enjoyed playing through Dark Souls 1 (now I'm beating it for the third time, haha), Souls 2, Doki Doki, Danganronpa 1 and 2 and Persona 5.

I’m close to finishing Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, played Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider, Mass Effect: Andromeda, and I think next I’m going to do Nier.
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I should mention that I just saw Deadpool 3 days ago. And I can conclude that he is amazing. Although I am a little confused as to how Colossus acts differently in that movie than in the X-Men film series (haven't seen Apocalypse yet)

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Deadpool is fucking amazing.
And, honestly, I gave up reconciling all the X-Men films into a single cohesive universe. I just enjoy them for what they are. Far as I’m concerned, Deadpool exists in a very similar universe to the X-Men one, but only in his Colossus is different.
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Do you know any celebrity lookalikes?

You know, it’s odd as hell, but Ryan Reynolds looks a lot like that action star Wade Wilson. But you might know his stage name better; Deadpool. Anyone else think that?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

2:32 am. finished catching up on the diary entries. i am so in need of going to bed now, but im gonna spend some time digging through your thoughts and discussions. man, milo's life was so much worse than we all thought...

Yeah. Milo’s life was nothing short of a nightmare.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

so um...i'm back? sorry for being offline for such a long time, hopefully everything should be working fine now. how have you guys been? also, a quick rundown of tribetwelve events wold be lovely!

Welcome back man. Glad to have you back. Hope all is well.
Floating Quaker basically caught you up on TT. Again though, spoilers in both our feeds, and we’re looking forward to discussing it with you.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I had hoped maybe you changed for your own benefit, but you're right. That doesn't surprise me. Planning is also plays a part. That doesn't sound like you. But research? Research is somewhere you could shine.

I’m slowly getting better on planning. But at snail’s place.
Some things probably have changed. But the self esteem isn’t one of them.


gabrielsyler33’s Profile PhotoWolf
Will: Wow. Where to even begin. As you said it's nice to see the Adler family again. Mainly just to see someone not be shitty to Milo.
Are you starting to get the impression Mary is catching on to Milo? Or is she just thinking about all the times in the past do you figure?
Why would Mary hide that she knows German? Unless Sharon wanted an uninvolved third party since she doesn't trust Mary. Or is she hiding just how much she knows? Help me out, did she every confront her dad about the journal or mention she knows German to him?
Admittedly he didn't seem the type, but maybe that's cause Adam's grandpa doesn't smoke but Karl does. And his answer is right on point. Sebastian's journal is dangerous, and shouldn't be in the hands of an equally dangerous woman like Mary Asher. Also I think Karl admitted a dark truth about Mary's suspected arsonist tendencies.
This entry has me even more curious just what is in Sebastian's journal. Everyone is right, it does hold power, but seemingly more in the literal sense than just knowledge. As for Persolus, I can't help but wonder if his existence was not caused by The Administrator, but by Karl himself. What if Karl created his Collective member to be a guardian of the journal? Would that even be possible?
As for his last remarks, "The child tried to kill us all", it could be his continuing dementia that made him refer to Milo as this. But honestly I refer to my younger relatives as "the kid" or some such. I'm more interested in what he meant by that statement. How did Milo almost kill them? If the journal leaves will The Administrator attack instantly? Is he just waiting for Karl to be defenseless?
So many questions. And the more we dig, the more I feel like something is getting closer. Something big, something devastating. Milo's story is far from a happy one, but just how bad was it?

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Now that I've put down my thoughts, I'm curious what you have to say about the three entries thus far. Thoughts?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I'm going to reread them one by one as I respond to them. Both cause it helps to refresh and I'm still only partly awake. I acknowledge it's 2:40pm Eastern, but I work nights now. Also, I may need multiple asks to do so, so if that happens I will tag you amigo.
Pantry: This entry terrifies and saddens me. It's terrifying not just for the short horror bit, but from the perspective of Milo; someone finally able to acknowledge you're not insane, that this is all real, your only friend in the world just validated you, but then it resets, and he sees nothing again. Then you realize why, and you know that in order to spare your friend as much pain as possible, you basically need to abandon him. It is indeed heartbreaking, and Milo was one brave individual. As for your comment regarding Michael/Patrick: you are correct. Milo does try to spare his loved ones, whereas Michael/Patrick puts as many people as possible between him and Slender Man so he can get them instead of him. He's deliberately infecting and getting people killed just to save his own skin. But the irony is that now he has no one. Eric is gone, Shaun's girlfriend is gone, and Shaun is in itty bitty pieces on HABIT's walls. And floor. And ceiling. And chainsaw. Reminds me, I have something to show you later.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker

I'm sorry to hear college didn't work out. College wasn't great for me either, but it's over. I'm a vet tech now. My dogs go to work with me. I have a small pack of pit bull rescues with a lot of issues, so discount care is nice. I'm publishing my second book later this year (under a pseudonym).

I’m not giving up. Just trying to go in better prepped.
Sounds like fun. Glad that worked out for you.
Still trying to even write one. My lack of self confidence keeps hindering me. Which probably doesn’t surprise you.

Although I could've sworn you still had mine when you met my husband. Just curious, how's college?

I did. I only recently, like within the last year or so, got mine.
College is a long story filled with bad decisions, crap circumstances, and I really don’t want to talk about it. But thank you for asking.
How’s life for you?

Okay, I thought you were going to be upset if you found out what I did with some of the stuff you gave me, but now I feel better. Thank you for understanding that I didn't want it back.

The things I gave you were yours to do with whatever you pleased. So whatever you did is fine with me.

If you were actively trying to move on, why do you still wear my fedora from your junior prom?

I don’t. I gave that one away. Yours was grey and black stripped. Mine is solid black.

What are your favorite YouTube channels?

Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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