

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

Quite happy with my name.
However should I ever end up completely alone in this world it will be Wolf.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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What's one thing you think everyone should do every day?

Do something to make either the world, or the world of someone else, a little bit brighter. And no, smartasses, don't just turn on a light bulb or set something on fire. Already thought of it. Unless the fire is to keep someone warm at night in the cold. Then sure.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Halo 5 will have microtransactions, the cancer of the gaming industry. https://youtu.be/E7-LhPwVID8

I agree wholeheartedly. This shit is getting ridiculous. But there are ridiculous people that do it so unfortunately it'll continue to spread.
So long as my single-player campaign is unaffected I won't complain too much though.
Also, Halo 5 will probably be the last game I install on my One until I get an external hard drive. It'll eat up pretty much all I have left. All but 30GB.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Who do you think should be the next president?

If I had my way about it, or if my opinion even mattered, it would go to Bernie Sanders. If we're choosing from the current roster of candidates.
If I could choose anyone it would be Jeff Dunham's puppet Walter with Mass Effect's Garrus Vakarian as the VP.
However, realistic or idealistic choices aside, it won't matter until US politics stops being one big dick measuring contest and those "elected" to "represent" us band together to fix the problems. I also threw those two words in quotes only because the truth of the matter is our elections are bought and paid for by corporate interests. Or as Trump put it "I do something for you, you do something for me."
What needs to be done is the corporate money needs to be thrown out of politics, and we need politicians who will follow the constitution and are willing to work together to find solutions to this country's problems.
But even that is just the beginning of what needs to be done.

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If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

Either the names of those I've lost and their dates of birth/death going from my right shoulder down my arm, or the picture on the inside of my left forearm.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

A bit late to say this, but Far Cry 3 is so worth playing. It's probably somewhere on my top 10 fav games list. What makes this game so damn good is obviously Vaas.

Story-wise I just blew up a weapons depot belonging to his pirates, and now I'm supposed to go to some place called P.C. And I completely agree about Vaas. I miss the crazy fucker.
I get the feeling he's one of those characters you don't see a lot, but they are just so good you miss having them on the screen.

That sounds epic, honestly. I wonder if DONTNOD have threwn in a badass one-liner before the bad guy's demise plays.

There has to be something cool when it comes to dealing with him. It'll be disappointing (not game ruining but still) if there isn't. Granted that leaves a lot of room for epicness. Scene. Dialogue. Action. I like Chloe's idea of rewinding to kill him over and over.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

uh oh https://youtu.be/7n86TiqEs-k

Admittedly such is a depressing thought. I don't understand how they didn't think to have their hardware be able to hit the kind of frame rate we'd expect from a AAA title such as Halo 5 or even Battlefront. And hell I'm excited for both of them. I'm actually getting Halo 5 in the mail on release day. They need to do something if they want these consoles to last anywhere near half as long as gen 7. Especially with developers probably well underway making all these cool games for them. I know in the future I'm excited for Kingdom Hearts III, Dishonored II, Halo Wars 2, For Honor (Ubisoft title) and any others they reveal along the way.

Ubisoft announced this: https://youtu.be/LJ2iH57Fs3M Thoughts? I was honestly wishing for a Blood Dragon sequel, lol.

I've actually recently started playing Far Cry 3. Off recording because it I'm not talking during this at all. So far I'm having fun. As to Primal, it's interesting. I think it'll be cool to see what they do considering so far I've seen a lot of gun action between Far Cry 3 and 4. Especially given that the secret way to beat Far Cry 4 ends with the guy mentioning "shooting some (word I refuse to say or type) guns." I do own Blood Dragon but haven't played it. When I get around to it I'll let you know if I join you in wanting a sequel. So far though, I'm assuming he dies in this game, I'd definitely play something else with Vaas in it. I realize he's trying to kill me but he's fun.
Liked by: Zak

Who is your favorite fictional character?

There are way too many to choose from. Ask me for a favorite from a specific fictional realm and I'll tell you from there.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

You are a spiritual Satanist XD ? or the cover is just for lulz... nah

VictorMihail’s Profile PhotoVictor
It is the Devil's Trap from Supernatural.
Used to trap demons so they can be either exorcised or killed safely.
Obviously does not work in real life.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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