

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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Well, Spring Break has approached us yet again. What's it been like so far, if you have one?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
My spring break was back when I went into the hospital. So it was shitty. As for how I am, doing good. Got a co-worker to help me with Entry 23 and started recording Portal 2 today. Going to try to film two more levels of The Evil Within tonight as well since I'm both off tomorrow, don't have an 8am class, and I missed out on March.
How are you doing? How is Spring Break for you?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

If you won an Oscar, where in your home would you place it?

If his last name is Grouch, probably my trashcan. But I mean they'd probably live in our spare bedroom. Kinda small, but hey it works.
If you mean that golden statue, probably use it to hold up and display my Infinity Gauntlet.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

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Had a TT dream last night. don't remember much but I know that Kevin knew he was the Observer and apologized to Noah for it. Then he was with Milo and became the observer and started chasing Milo while reciting a madness mantra. last thing I remember is Milo running towards a huge lake to get away

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
That sounds creepy as can be.
Wait, didn't Kevin call Noah (originally as The Observer) and apologize to him? Unknown Caller, right?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

Proof that the internet overexaggerates everything. And I really do mean everything. https://twitter.com/THEREALRTU/status/715009117006471168

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
First off, just because it peeves me grammatically: "And for you?" shouldn't even be here. You're typically addressing a specific person. You can add one of those words at the end if you so wish, or gentlemen/ladies/girls/guys if you're addressing a group.
Also, I find the word guys to have become inclusive of all genders. I will walk up to people and say "Hi guys" and it'll be a group of girls.
Either way, you don't need to act so bloody PC. If someone prefers a different word, they will probably tell you. It's when people are asses about it that shit starts. Moral of this story: don't be an ass.

Do you have a memorable picture from back in the day? PAP!

Now imagine the face of happiness behind that disc.
And ignore the massive amount of Halo books on the bed behind me.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

California: No sign of winter will EVER come, with sunshine every day so far. I wish there were more thunderstorms & cats tho. Canada: harsh extremities of Winter are slowly dying, but are still raging hard. And the economy there is slowly dying. Which sucks. In other words: It's all good.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well at least your attitude seems positive. That's a plus. Also, totally jealous of the sunshine.
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

What's going on in the world of Ohio?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I think winter is over for us. Think. Not 100% sure.
As for myself: Not much. College is boring. Job sort of sucks. Almost snapped at my aunt but some(one)thing stopped me. Waiting on my new editing software to get here. Bored as hell. Lonely as fuck. Just remembered I still haven't cleaned the fake blood off my steps yet. Grandmother is doing ok for the most part.
How are you and the great country of Canada doing?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

You're stuck between a rock and a hard place, what are you going to do?

Am I literally stuck between a rock and a hard place? Or is this more metaphorical?
Liked by: FloatingQuaker

In my opinion, Darth Maul is one of those powerful evils who needs very few lines to understand his character. He doesn't need to be completely silent, but his character seems so much more unique when he's just using his facial expressions, as seen here. Thoughts? https://youtu.be/Djo_91jN3Pk

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Impressive. Most impressive. (Actual Star Wars quote. Hence why I use it on anything Star Wars related. First said I believe by Vader in Empire Strikes Back).
The make-up on Maul was brilliant. The choreography of the initial fight was fantastic. Wasn't really cool with them showing the force push. Also, not really a breaking point for the film, but Maul kind of like pulling in his lips while is mouth is shut is bugging me a bit (Err...I guess it only looks like that in certain camera angles thanks to the black and red makeup). I'm typing this as I watch so I get all my thoughts down. Also, yet again Ian McDiarmid proves he is the only voice for Palpatine.
Wherever they shot this, the environment is freaking beautiful. Like, I'd love to just walk around there. Also, the Master of that group was totally sporting Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber design.
Darth Maul is an imposing figure when he doesn't speak. Although I do think his initial voice from The Phantom Menace suited him. I wasn't overly fond of Sam Witwer voicing Maul when they brought him back during The Clone Wars.
Speaking of Maul: I've been keeping up with the show Star Wars Rebels, and (POSSIBLE SPOILER) I'm pretty damn certain the hooded figure Ezra will meet is Darth Maul. They released a short clip today of Ezra and the hooded figure speaking, and while it looks a lot like Maul (red body, black markings, yellow eyes), it's what he says the Sith did to him that gives it away. Ripped him from his mother's arms (Sidious took Maul from Mother Talzin), murdered his brother (Sidious killed Savage Opress, Maul's brother, in the last time he appears in The Clone Wars) used him as a weapon (Episode I) and cast him aside (Sidious replaced Maul with Dooku and abandoned him during the Son of Dathomir comic). I'm interested to see what they do with Maul.

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Liked by: FloatingQuaker


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